News archive

Director of the institute awarded for the popularization of science
Dr. Ing. Jiří Kotek, FEng., dr.h.c. received the Prize of the President of the Czech Academy of Sciences for the promotion or popularization of research, experimental development and innovation.
Hybrid macromolecular constructs as spectral nanoprobes for advanced cellular barcoding
A study describing hybrid macromolecular systems that can be used as spectral nanoprobes for advanced cell barcoding in flow cytometry was published in the journal Macromolecular Bioscience. The publication is also accompanied by a picture on the back cover of the journal.
Promising way to modify and enhance the electrochemical performance of polypyrrole
Scientist from IMC discovered that the addition of Acid Blue dye during the electrosynthesis of pyrrole lead to a switch in polypyrrole electrochemical behavior. Such modified polypyrrole exhibits higher electroactivity, capacitance, and diffusion–controlled capacitive contribution.
Polyoxazolines interact with proteins and cells via hydrophobic fragments
Scientists from IMC revealed the tunable affinity of block polyoxazolines to cytoplasm membranes, based on their hydrophobicity
Polymer theranostics with activation of the photodynamic effect and fluorescence
A study describing new polymeric theranostics whose photodynamic antitumor effect and fluorescence imaging of tumor tissue is activated by the tumor stimulus was published in the journal Theranostics.
Discovery of the ability of meta-isobutoxy phenylboronic acid to form biocompatible hydrogels
Scientists from IMC participated in a study revealing the ability of meta-isobutoxy phenylboronic acid to create biocompatible hydrogels with multi-responsive properties.
Anchored ionic liquid as an efficient catalyst for microwave polymerizations
The anchoring of ionic liquids into the structure of layered double hydroxides leads to the preparation of an efficient heterogeneous catalyst for microwave polymerization.
A study of drug release kinetics with advanced analytical methods
A study on monitoring the drug release kinetics using alternative methods, specifically surface plasmon resonance, capillary electrophoresis and nuclear magnetic spectroscopy, was published in the Communication Chemistry journal.
Direct comparison of antifouling properties of poly(2-oxazoline)s and poly(2-oxazine)s
Comparison of the antifouling properties of poly(2-oxazoline) and poly(2-oxazine) polymer brushes, emerging alternatives to PEG, was published in Macromolecular Rapid Communications.
New copolymers for the membrane protein isolation
Within an international collaboration, IMC scientists developed new, low pH- and Mg2+ ions-tolerant copolymers aimed at the isolation and study of membrane proteins.
Amphiphilic (di-)gradient copoly(2-oxazoline)s are potent amyloid fibril formation inhibitors
Gradient copolymers of hydrophilic and hydrophobic 2-oxazolines effectively inhibit amyloid fibril formation in a concentration-dependent manner, offering promise for treating amyloidoses.
Control of biocomposites performance using chitin nanoparticles
In Polymers was published a study highlighting effect of amines on surface of chitin nanowhiskers on performance of polycaprolactone/polylactide biocomposites.
Tuning of morphological and antibacterial properties of PEDOT by methyl violet
Within the national collaboration of IMC-UTB, conducting spherical PEDOT with improved antibacterial properties was prepared and possess diverse spectrum of applications, including optical sensors and medical devices.
Hyaluronic acid grafted with Ceramide NP for treatment of skin diseases
An article describing the synthesis of Ceramide NP grafted to hyaluronan, a promising molecule for the treatment of inflammatory skin diseases, was published in Carbohydrate polymers.
A new method of nanoparticle surface modification for diagnostic applications
Team Polymer and Colloidal Immunotherapeutics developed an efficient method for anchoring synthetic polymers to the surface of magnetic nanoparticles. The effectiveness of this surface treatment was subsequently assessed in vivo in collaboration with CAPI team from the 1st Faculty of Medicine.
Homogeneous ion-exchange membranes for hydrogen production by alkaline water electrolysis
In the framework of the European project NEWELY, the scientific team of IMC and UCT has developed homogeneous ion-exchange membranes with low surface resistance for highly efficient membrane-based alkaline electrolysis of water. The project was awarded the "Best Innovation Award 2022“ of the Clean Hydrogen Partnership at the European Hydrogen Week 2022 - "The secret to success is in the membrane".
Anti-cancer micellar delivery system with ultrasound-triggered release of the active ingredient
A Czech-French research team has developed an anti-tumor micellar drug delivery system with ultrasound-triggered drug release and successfully tested it in a mousebrain tumor - glioma model. The biodistribution of the system within the organism and its accumulation in tumor can be monitored in real time as a direct feedback by PET or fluorescence.
Polymer Nanoprobes for Fluorescence-Guided Surgery of Malignant Head-and-Neck Tumors and Metastases
Scientists from the IMC prepared fluorescent polymer probes designed for fluorescent guided surgery, which can light up tumors and more accurately showed tumor borders for easier resection of the whole tumor.
Polypyrrole Aerogels: Efficient Adsorbents of Cr(VI) Ions from Aqueous Solutions
Scientist from the IMC developed a novel polypyrrole-based adsorbent of Cr(VI) ions with good handling properties for water purifications.
Influence of coating of upconverting nanoparticles on their degradation and cytotoxicity
IMC scientists designed two-color optical contrast agent with reduced degradability under physiological conditions that is suitable for in vitro and in vivo imaging.