Equipment - Polymer Morphology
1. Microscopy
1.1. Electron microscopy
- SEM microscope MAIA3 (Tescan)
- FEG high-resolution scanning electron microscope (resolution 1 nm), optimized for investigation of polymer materials
- HVSEM, LVSEM and Cryo-LVSEM modes: possibility of visualization frozen specimens with high content of water (polymer hydrogels, polymer micelles...)
- SE, BSE, STEM: topographic contrast, material contrast, internal structure, elemental microanalysis
- EDX detector (X-MaxN 20; Oxford Instruments, UK): elemental microanalysis
- SEM microscope Vega Plus TS 5135 (Tescan):
- standard scanning electron microscope
- SE, BSE, STEM detectors: topographic contrast, material contrast, internal structure
- TEM microscope Tecnai G2 Spirit (FEI):
- transmission electron microscope, 120kV
- bright/dark field (BD/DF), electron diffraction (ED), microanalysis (EDX): detailed study of internal structure of polymer materials
- cryo-attachment: deep-frozen samples and solutions of polymer nanoparticles
1.2. Light microscopy
- standard (wide-field) light microscopy:
- microscope DM6000 M (Leica), with microhardness tester
- microscope Nikon80i (Nikon), with mini-tensile tester
- equipment of both microscopes: transmitted and reflected light; polarized light; bright field, dark field, phase contrast, 3D-focus; microscopic heating stages: Mettler FP52/FP5, Linkam THMS 600/TMS 9
- laser scanning confocal microscope (shared within CBMP project):
- inverted confocal microscope LSM FV1200 IX83 (Olympus) including PicoQuant module (PicoQuant)
- equipment of the microscope: material microscopy (transmitted and reflected light, DIC...), biological microscopy (fluorescent LSCM, FRAP, RISC...), time-resolved microscopy and scattering (FCS, FCCS, FLIM, FLCS...)
- older microscopes:
- microscope Zetopan Pol (Reichert)
- stereomicroscope SMZ-2T (Nikon)
1.3. Sample preparation for microscopy
- Ultramicrotome with cryo-attachment: Ultracut UCT (Leica), EM UC7 (Leica)
- Ultramicrotome for room temperature: Ultrotome III (LKB Bromma)
- Preparation of glass knives for (ultra)microtomy: Knifemaker 7800 (LKB Bromma)
- Rapid sample freezing for TEM: EMS-002 cryo workstation/rapid immersion freezer (EMS)
- Microtomes: Sledge microtome (Meopta), Rotary microtome RM 2155 (Leica)
- Vacuum sputter coaters: SCD 050 (Balzers), SCD 050 (Leica)
- Vacuum evaporation device: JEE-4C (Jeol)
2. Micromechanical properties
- Microhardness tester VMHT AUTO man (UHL); Vickers (non-instrumented) microhardness tester; measurements of microhardness, microcreep, microplasticity
- Micro/nanohardness tester MHT (CSM); Instrumented micro/nanoindentation; measurements of indentation hardness, modulus, creep, elastic part of the indentation work...
- Mini-tensile tester – TST350 (Linkam); connected with the light microscope
3. Creep
- Macroscale tensile creep; home-made device for creep testing, connected to PC.
- Microscale indentation creep; microindentation creep experiments are performed in our instrumented microhardness tester.