Equipment - Polymer Processing
- Microextruder HAAKE Mini CTW
- Internal mixer Brabender Plasticorder W50EHT
- Twin Screw Extruder DSE 20 (Brabender) – modular extruder
- Injection molding machine – ENGELSPEX Victory 50
- Rotational rheometer Physica MCR 501 (Anton Paar) equipped with electro-rheological cell
- Capillary rheometer Rosand RH2000 (Malvern)
- Rotational rheometer / DMA analyzer ARES G2 (TA Instruments)
- DSC calorimeter 8500 (PerkinElmer)
- DSC calorimeter Q2000 (TA Instruments)
- Thermogravimetric analyzer Pyris 1 TGA (PerkinElmer) coupled with FTIR spectrometer for on-line analysis of developed gases (TGA-FTIR)
- FTIR spectrometer Spectrum 100 (PerkinElmer) with universal ATR accessory
- Universal mechanical testing machine Instron model 6025/5800R
- Charpy impact testing
- Single mode microwave reactor Discover SP (CEM)
- Multi mode microwave reactor (Romill)
- Atlas Ci 3000+ Weather-Ometer (Atlas Material Testing Technology)
- FDM 3D printer Prusa I3 MK3
- Anton-Paar DMA 5000 vibration densimeter with DMA 512P external cell
- Apparatus for surface and interfacial tension measurement of liquids up to 250 °C using pendant drop method