Equipment - Conducting Polymers
• Autolab potentiostat/galvanostat with FRA module (PGSTAT302N with FRA32M) and NOVA software
• UV-VIS with NIR spectrometer (AvaSpec-ULS2048XL-USB2 and AvaSpec-NIR512-2.2TEC)
• Complete LED Driver and Optical Bench Kit
• EQCM (new)
Figure 1. PEWS is presented with Faraday’s cage.
Our PEWS allow us to measure the following electrochemical, spectro-electrochemical, and photo-electrochemical processes:
• Cyclic voltammetry
• Galvanostatic charge/discharge
• Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy
• Rotating Disc Electrode (for measuring kinetic processes)
• Measuring spectra (UV-VIS and NIR) during electrochemical processes
• Measuring electrochemical processes under light irradiation (controlled intensity and length)
All electrochemical performances could be done either in 2- and/or 3-electrode cell configuration.
Other equipment
• Oven with a maximum nominal temperature 1200 °C and a possibility of working in an inert atmosphere
• Thermostat (Julabo F33-EH) with a working temperature range from –30 to 150 °C
• Freeze-dryer (Gregor Instruments L4-110) equipped with a hybrid pump with optimized corrosion resistance (Vacuubrand RC 6 Chemistry-HYBRID pump) and ultimate vacuum 2 x 10-3 mbar.