Staff - Polymers for Electronics and Photonics

Staff - Common photo
Name Position E-mail Phone  
RNDr. Jiří Pfleger CSc. Head of the Dpt pfleger +420 296 809 571 RID
Mgr. Pinar Güloglu, Ph.D. Research Fellow guloglu +420 296 809 572
Mgr. Miroslav Menšík Dr. Research Fellow mensik +420 296 809 572 RID
Mgr. Ambika Pandey PhD Student pandey +420 296 809 431
Mgr. Yadu Ram Panthi PhD Student panthi +420 296 809 431
Mgr. Francesco Piana PhD. Research Fellow piana +420 296 809 431 RID
Mgr. Adriana Šturcová Ph.D. Research Fellow sturcova +420 296 809 170 RID
Mgr. Muhammed Arshad Thottappali PhD Student thottappali +420 296 809 431 RID
RNDr. Petr Toman Ph.D. Research Fellow toman +420 296 809 572 RID
Mgr. Kateřina Baraczková Technician baraczkova +420 296 809 431