Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry

RNDr. Tomáš Etrych, PhD., DSc.

Major collaborations

  • Research Institute for Drug Delivery Science, Sojo University (Prof. Jun Fang) - evaluation of developed nanotherapeutics.
  • University of Paris, Paris (Prof. Daniel Scherman, Prof. Nathalie Mignet, Prof. Cyrille Richard) - polymer nanotherapeutics for treatment of inflammatory diseases.
  • Institute Cochin, Paris (Dr. Gilles Renault, Dr. Véronique Witko-Sarsat) - evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity of the polymer nanotherapeutics.
  • Institute for Advanced Biosciences, La Tronche (Dr. Jean-Luc Coll) - polymer nanoprobes for the navigated surgery.
  • University of Strasbourg (Prof. Alain Wagner) - antibody-polymer-drug conjugates.
  • Department of Radiology, University of Wisconsin, Madison (Prof. Weibo Cai) - in vivo non-invasive imaging of nanotherapeutics.
  • Humboldt University of Berlin (Dr. Stepfen Hackbarth) - physical aspects of the photo-dynamic therapy based on the polymer - photosensitizer systems.
  • Dr. Marek Kovář group, Institute of Microbiology, Czechia - evaluation of anti-cancer efficacy of polymer nanomedicines.
  • Dr. Pavel Klener, Institute of Pathological Physiology, First Faculty of Medicine, Czechia - development of polymer nanomedicines for treatment of hematological malignancies.