Seznam posterů

Pondělí / Úterý / Středa / Čtvrtek

Program v PDF / Seznam posterů

  Jméno Název posteru
D1 Sonia Bujok Roles of LDH-ionic liquids in PCL nanocomposites preparation: in-situ polymerization vs. melt-intercalation
D2 Jiří Czernek On the 91-Zr chemical shielding scale
D3 Veronika Gajdošová Controlled tuning of AgNPs by aged THF: spectrophotometric and microscopic study
D4 Iryna Ivanko Hydrophobic poly(3,4-ethylenedioxythiophene)-based solid contact like ion-electrone transducer for sensing application
D5 Alessandro Jäger Three-dimensional hydrodynamic flow focusing microfluidic for the production of monodisperse polymer nanoparticles
D6 Ilya Kotelnikov Preparation of substrates for cell cultivation
D7 Johanka Kučerová Fibrin meshes releasing platelet lysate components for the treatment of diabetic wounds
D8 Miroslava Lukešová EPR study of polymer protective coatings for depleted uranium components
D9 Eliška Mázl Chánová Synergic effect of composite polyester nanofibers with carbon-based nanofillers and mechanical stimulation on stem cells’ osteo-differentiation
D10 Islam Minisy Highly electrically conductive 1D-polypyrrole prepared in the presence of safranin
D11 Mykhailo Nahorniak Surface-engineered lanthanide nanoparticles for biomedicine
D12 Martina Nevoralová Rheological characterization of starch-based biodegradable polymer blends
D13 Diana Oleshchuk Effect of surfactants on biocompatible and biodegradable poly(N5-2-hydroxypropyl-L-glutamine)-based nanogel preparation and in vivo imaging of nanogel biodistribution
D14 Oleksandr Shapoval Design of nanosized rare-earth fluorides for MRI and up/downconversion luminescence
D15 Hana Studenovská  Comparison of conventional culturing membranes with nanofibrous membranes for retinal tissue engineering