Topics for the 30th UNESCO/IUPAC Course will be announced on 20 January 2025 together with the topics of research projects. Deadline for application will be on 20 February 2025. Preliminary contact with the potential supervisor is recommended.
- Requested documents:
1) Letter of application (see below)
2) CV
3) Contact details (incl. email address) for two scientists
4) Specify your preferred research project (choose 3 topics according to your preference)
5) Certificate of your English level
6) Please, send these documents by email to unesco.course - We emphasize, that before the Course starts, you must have a complete Master's degree
- Please send your applications ONLY in the period between 20 January 2025 and 20 February 2025
- If you have any queries, please contact the UNESCO/IUPAC Course coordinator:
Dr. Hana Studenovská
E-mail address:
Letter of Application
This is a template of the application letter. The letter should be signed and sent by email as a scanned document.
Jiří Kotek, PhD, dr.h.c.
Director of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences
Heyrovskeho nam. 2
162 00 Prague 6
Dear Dr. Kotek,
I am interested in participation in the UNESCO/IUPAC Postgraduate Course in Polymer Science 2025/26 organized by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences, under the conditions as specified on the Course pages.
Please find enclosed my curriculum vitae and contact details for two scientists.
Thank you for considering my application.
Yours sincerely,
(your signature)
Curriculum Vitae (maximum two pages)
We would like you to mention these items in your CV:
- Name
- Date of birth
- Place of birth
- Address
- Preferred research project
- Current position
- Education and Courses (incl. degree abbreviation, years)
- Professional experience
- Language skills (the applicant will prove an English level by attaching a cerificate)
- Computer skills
Contact details for two scientists
Two letters of recommendation from these scientists will be requested by the prospective supervisors (please do not send these letters yourselves).