Current Course

29th UNESCO/IUPAC Course - 2024/2025

  • Welcome Meeting - 13 November 2024, 9:00 a.m., Club B
  • Project Meeting - 19 March 2025, 9:00 a.m., Club B, SCHEDULE
  • Final Meeting - 18 June 2025, 9:00 a.m., Club B
Name Supervisor Project
Zdeněk Starý Polymer composites – rheology and processing of particle filled polymer melts
Elena Tomšík A new synthetic way for obtaining polymer suspensions for flow battery systems
KUMAR Devendra
Miroslav Otmar Synthesis of functionalized polymers and polymer membranes for electrochemical devices and separation processes
Design of biosensing platform for the label-free SPR detection
Manoj Karakoti Bio-waste transformation: Harnessing carbon nanomaterials from sustainable sources for enhanced energy storage composites
ZIOBRO Justyna
Beata Strachota Polysaccharide-based nanocomposites hydrogels



Lectures - Club B

Date Time Lecturer Topic
27.11.2024 10 a.m. Dr. Dvořáková Introduction to Polymer Chemistry
4.12.2024 10 a.m. Dr. Horský Polymer Solutions in a Nutshell
11.12.2024 10 a.m. Dr. Horský Molecular Weight and Dimensions of Polymers and their Assemblies
18.12.2024 10 a.m. Dr. Janata / Dr. Raus Controlled Polymerization of Vinyl Monomers
8.1.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Dušková Polymer Networks I
15.1.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Dušková Polymer Networks II
22.1.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Fortelný / Dr. Starý Polymer Blends
29.1.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Šlouf Morphology of Polymers
5.2.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Brus Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Polymers 
26.2.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Tadyszak Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy
5.3.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Štěpánek Static Light Scattering
12.3.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Štěpánek Dynamic Light Scattering
26.3.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Šeděnková Vibrational Spectroscopy of Polymers: Contemporary Methods
2.4.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Pfleger Conjugated Polymers for Optoelectronic Applications
9.4.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Starý Polymer Rheology
16.4.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Pientka Polymer Membranes and Membrane Operations
23.4.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Kubies Biodegradable and Bioanalogous Polymers
14.5.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Etrych Polymer Systems for Controlled Release of Drugs
28.5.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Steinhart Introduction to X-ray and Neutron Scattering Methods
4.6.2025 10 a.m. Dr. Pop-Georgievski Surfaces and Interfaces of Polymers and Biomaterials



Date Time Lecturer Room Topic
29.1.2025 2 p.m. Dr. Šlouf 209 Scanning Electron Microscopy
5.2.2025 2 p.m. Dr. Brus 309 Nuclear Magnetic Resonance of Polymers
19.2.2025 2 p.m. Dr. Hladysh 214 Surface Properties: Wettability and Contact Angle Mearsurement
26.2.2025 2 p.m. Dr. Tadyszak 506 Electron Spin Resonance Spectroscopy
5.3.2025 2 p.m. Dr. Riedel 505 SPR - Surface Plasmon Resonance
26.3.2025 2 p.m. Dr. Šeděnková 379 Modern Methods in Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy