Status of the Participant of the UNESCO/IUPAC Postgraduate Course in Polymer Science

  1. The Course is organized under the auspices of the Czech Academy of Sciences, UNESCO and IUPAC.
  2. The Institute provides the participant with training by work on a chosen research project supervised by a senior researcher and with the use of available methods and equipment. As a part of the training, the participant may use the Institute´s library and its services.
  3. The participant of the Course is considered to be a foreign guest of the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences under a special regimen.
  4. The Course starts on October 1 and ends on July 31 the following year.
  5. The official language of the Course is English.
  6. The participation in the Course is conditional in the first two months of the Course (October-November). The performance of each participant will be evaluated at the beginning of December. If it is satisfactory the participant will continue in the Course. In the case of unsatisfactory performance, the stay will be terminated.
  7. The Institute organizes a lecture course and workshops on research in general and on special topics of polymer science. The lectures and workshops take place from November to April, are compulsory for the Course participants and are in English.
  8. Presentation of the results obtained within the frame of the research project is a part of the Course. The participant usually presents the results in the form of a lecture at a seminar held at the end of the Course.
  9. On condition of satisfactory performance during the Course, the Institute issues the participant with a certificate about completion of the Course.
  10. The participants receive monthly scholarship of CZK 10.500,-  (EUR 420,- ). The Institute reimburses the daily expenses of the participant. The reimbursement is paid on a monthly basis and is calculated according to the number of days the participant is present in the Czech Republic.
  11. The Institute provides the accommodation to the participant of the Course. There is no charge to the participant.
  12. Basic health insurance is provided by the health insurance company "Pojišťovna VZP, a.s.". The Institute pays the insurance premium; there is no charge to the participant.
  13. The Institute reimburses the payment the participant made to obtain visa. Please bring an original of the document about the payment. The reimbursement is in Czech crowns.
  14. The Institute provides the participant with language courses. The language course takes place at the Department of Languages of the Czech Academy of Sciences and starts in October.
  15. The Institute enables the participant of the Course to take part in the scientific events of the Institute, such as lectures, colloquia and symposia.
  16. The Institute enables the participant to publish the results of the research project as a co-author together with the leader of the project and others who participated in the research.
  17. The holiday allowance of the participant consists of two parts: (1) Two weeks (ten working days) can be taken out throughout the Course. (2) One more week (five working days) can be granted by the respective supervisor on condition of satisfactory performance of the participant during the Course. If the holiday allowance is used for travel out of the Czech Republic, the monthly allowance is adequately lowered (see term 10).
  18. It is obligatory for the participant of the Course to get acquainted with the rules of the Institute on work safety and health protection.
  19. The participant of the Course is obliged to adhere to the valid regulations of the Institute, in particular those regarding the attendance, purposeful spending of hours of work, laboratory work safety and economy. Furthermore, the participant is obliged to participate regularly in the lecture course as well as in language and professional training, and to inform his/her supervisor about the results obtained. Unless the participant obtains a written permission of the Director of the Institute to present his/her results, the participant must treat the unpublished results as confidential for five years after completing the Course.
  20. The Director of the Institute is entitled to terminate the stay of the participant of the Course at the Institute if he/she seriously violates this Status, hotel rules or the law of the Czech Republic.