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Found 396 journals.
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ISSN Journal title Publisher Subscribed
in years
/ current number
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[vol.; year; number]
2533-784X A / Věda a výzkum. Magazín AV ČR Středisko společných činností AV ČR, v.v.i. online: 1(2017)- (2023)4
0001-4842 Accounts of Chemical Research American Chemical Society print: 22(1989)-34(2001)
online: 1(1968)-
1742-7061 Acta Biomaterialia Elsevier online: 1(2005)-
0365-110X Acta Crystallographica IUCr, Wiley online: 1(1948)-23(1967)7
0108-7673 Acta Crystallographica A: Foundations and Advances IUCr, Wiley online: 53(1997)-
0108-7681 Acta Crystallographica B: Structural Science, Crystal Engineering and Materials IUCr, Wiley online: 53(1997)-
0108-2701 Acta Crystallographica C: Structural Chemistry IUCr, Wiley online: 53(1997)-
0907-4449 Acta Crystallographica D: Structural Biology IUCr, Wiley online: 53(1997)-
1600-5368 Acta Crystallographica E: Crystallographic Communications IUCr, Wiley online: 57(2001)-
2053-230X Acta Crystallographica F: Structural Biology Communications IUCr, Wiley online: 61(2005)-
0323-7648 Acta Polymerica Wiley print: 30(1979)-50(1999)11-12
online: 49(1998)-50(1999)
0169-409X Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews Elsevier online: 10(1993)-
1527-2648 Advanced Engineering Materials Wiley online: 1(1999)-
1616-301X Advanced Functional Materials Wiley print: 11(2001), 13(2003)-31(2021)52
online: 6(1996)-
0935-9648 Advanced Materials Wiley print: 9(1997)-33(2021)52
online: 10(1998)-
1521-3987 Advanced Synthesis and Catalysis Wiley online: 338(1996)-
0001-8686 Advances in Colloid and Interface Science Elsevier print: 1(1967)-21(1984)3/4
online: 1(1967)-
0065-3195 Advances in Polymer Science Springer Nature print: 4(1965)-289(2023)
online: 127(1997)-
1210-9525 Akademický bulletin a další periodika AV ČR Akademie věd České republiky online: 1(1990)-
0002-9297 American Journal of Human Genetics Elsevier online: 1(1949)-
6 month delay
0003-2454 Analyst Royal Society of Chemistry online: 133(2008)-
0003-2700 Analytical Chemistry American Chemical Society print: 19(1947)-81(2009)24
online: 1(1929)-
1759-9679 Analytical Methods Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2009)-
0044-8249 Angewandte Chemie Wiley print: 45(1932)-47(1934)
online: 1(1887)-
0570-0833 Angewandte Chemie, Int. Edition in English Wiley print: 30(1991)-36(1997)24
online: 1962-
1433-7851 Angewandte Chemie, International Edition Wiley print: 37(1998)-41(2002)24
online: 1(1962)-
0003-3146 Angewandte Makromolekulare Chemie Wiley print: 1(1967)-22(1972)
online: 254(1998)-273(1999)
0260-1818 Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry. Section A Royal Society of Chemistry online: 104(2008)-109(2013)
0069-3030 Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry. Section B Royal Society of Chemistry online: 104(2008)-109(2013)
0260-1826 Annual Reports on the Progress of Chemistry. Section C Royal Society of Chemistry online: 104(2008)-109(2013)
0937-9347 Applied Magnetic Resonance Springer Nature print: 8(1995)-29(2005)4
online: 12(1997)-
0003-6935 Applied Optics Optical Society of America 4(1965)-31(1992)6 21(1982)15
0570-4898 Applied Polymer Symposia Wiley 1(1965)-55(1994)
0003-7028 Applied Spectroscopy Society for Applied Spectroscopy 6(1951)-10(1956)
1873-5584 Applied Surface Science Elsevier online: 63(1993)-
1073-1199 Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes and Biotechnology Taylor & Francis print: 31(2003)-36(2008)6
online: 25(1997)-
2169-1401 Artificial Cells, Nanomedicine and Biotechnology Taylor & Francis online: 41(2013)
0005-9021 Berichte der Bunsen Gesellschaft für Physikalische Chemie Vch. Verlagsgesellschaft 67(1963)-83(1979)12 77(1973)9-12
0365-9496 Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Geselschaft Vch. Verlagsgesellschaft print: 1892 referate
online: (1868)-(1901)
0365-947X Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Geselschaft A+B Vch. Verlagsgesellschaft 54(1921)
77(1944)11, 12
0365-9488 Berichte der Deutschen Chemischen Geselschaft B Vch. Verlagsgesellschaft 54(1921)
77(1944)11, 12
1043-1802 Bioconjugate Chemistry American Chemical Society print: 13(2002)-20(2009)12
online: 1(1990)-
1525-7797 Biomacromolecules American Chemical Society print: 1(2000)-10(2009)12
online: 1(2000)-
0142-9612 Biomaterials Elsevier print: 1(1980)-
online: 1(1980)-
2772-9508 Biomaterials Advances Elsevier print: 133(2022)-
online: 133(2022)-
2047-4830 Biomaterials Science Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2013)-
0890-5533 Biomaterials, Artificial Cells and Artificials Organs Dekker 15(1987)-17(1989)5
1055-7172 Biomaterials, Artificial Cells and Immobilization Biotechnology Dekker 19(1991)-21(1993)5
0090-5488 Biomaterials, Medical Devices and Artificial Organs Dekker 5(1977)-14(1986)5 6(1978)4
0132-3423 Bioorganičeskaja chimija Nauka 6(1980)-16(1990)12
0233-7657 Biopolimery i kletka Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the NAS of Ukraine, Naukova Dumka print: 1(1985)-6(1990)6
online: 1(1985)-
0006-3525 Biopolymers Wiley print: 1(1963)-98(2012)6
online: 38(1996)-
0006-3592 Biotechnology and Bioengineering Wiley print: 22(1980)-38(1991)11
online: 49(1996)-
0572-6565 Biotechnology and Bioengineering Symposium Wiley 11(1981)-17(1986)
0508-3443 British Journal of Applied Physics Institute of Physics 1(1950)-18(1967)12
Supplementy k roku 1951-1957 č. 1-6
0262-8171 British Journal of Applied Physics, Journal of Physics D, series 2 Institute of Physics 1(1968)-2(1969)4
0007-1641 British Polymer Journal Wiley 1(1969)-3(1971)
1(1969)1, 2
0009-2673 Bulletin of the Chemical Society of Japan Chemical Society of Japan print: 36(1963)-49(1976)6
online: 1(1926)-64(1991)
41(1968)4, 5
0023-6071 Bulletin of the Institute for Chemical Research, Kyoto University Kyoto University Institute for Chemical Research 44(1966)-72(1994)5-6 41(1968)4 ,5
1879-1344 Carbohydrate Polymers Elsevier online: 1(1981)-
0008-6215 Carbohydrate Research Elsevier print: 159(1987)-211(1991)
online: 238(1993)-
2044-4753 Catalysis Science & Technology Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2011)-
1572-882X Cellulose Springer Nature online: 4(1997)-
0009-0700 Československý časopis pro fyziku Fyzikální ústav AV ČR 4(1954)-7(1957)
1439-4227 ChemBioChem Wiley print: 1(2000)-2(2001)11
online: 1(2000)-
1867-3899 ChemCatChem Wiley online: 1(2009)-
0009-2258 Chemical Abstracts (vč. Patent Index, Autor Index,General Subject Index, Chemical Substance Index, Formula Index ) Chemical Abstracts Service 13(1919)
0097-6474 Chemical Abstracts- Collective Index Chemical Abstracts Service 6/51-55(1957-1961)
0894-2048 Chemical Abstracts- Decennial Index Chemical Abstracts Service 3/21-30(1927-1936)
5/41-50 (1947-1956)24
0009-2258 Chemical Abstracts- Index Guide Chemical Abstracts Service 1977-1996
0093-058X Chemical Abstracts- Registry Handbook Chemical Abstracts Service 1965-1981
0738-6222 Chemical Abstracts- Service Source Index Chemical Abstracts Service 1907-2009
1359-7345 Chemical Communications alt. náz. ChemComm Royal Society of Chemistry print: (1996)-(2004)24
online: (2008)-
1873-3212 Chemical Engineering Journal Elsevier online: 65(1997)-
1527-4799 Chemical Innovation American Chemical Society print: 30(2000)12
online: 30(2000)-31(2001)
0366-6352 Chemical Papers Chemický ústav SAV print: 1(1947)-60(2006)6
online: 1(1947)-59(2005)
Springer: 60(2006)-
0009-2614 Chemical Physics Letters Elsevier print: 1(1967)-30(1975)3
online: 1(1967)-
0009-2665 Chemical Reviews American Chemical Society print: 36(1945)-109(2009)12
online: 1(1924)-
2041-6520 Chemical Science Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2010)-
0306-0012 Chemical Society Reviews Royal Society of Chemistry print: 1(1972)-33(2004)9
online: 37(2008)-
0948-1907 Chemical Vapor Deposition Wiley print : 3(1997)-10(2004)6
online: 1(1995)-21(2015)
0009-2770 Chemické listy Česká společnost chemická print: 1(1907)-10(1916)
online: 91(1997)-
0528-9432 Chemické vlákna Výskumný ústav chemických vláken 15(1965)-18(1968)
0009-2789 Chemický průmysl Economia 1(1951)-45(1995)6
0009-2940 Chemische Berichte Vch. Verlagsgesellschaft print: 80(1947)-87(1954), 89(1956)-114(1981)15
online: 1997-
114(1981)4, 10
1861-471X Chemistry - An Asian Journal Wiley online: 1(2006)-
0947-6539 Chemistry A European Journal Wiley print: 1(1995)-3(1997)
online: 1(1995)-
0009-3068 Chemistry and Industry Society of Chemical Industry online: (2009)-
12 month delay
0193-6484 Chemistry International The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, De Gruyter online: 19(1997)4-
0023-2556 Chemistry of High Polymers (Kobunshi Kagaku) Society of Polymer Science 14(1957)-30(1973)12
0897-4756 Chemistry of Materials American Chemical Society online: 1(1989)-
1473-7604 Chemistry World Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2004)-
1860-7187 ChemMedChem Wiley online: 1(2006)-
1439-4235 ChemPhysChem Wiley print: 1(2000)-2(2001)12
online: 1(2000)-
2192-6506 ChemPlusChem Wiley online: 70(2005)-
1864-564X ChemSusChem Wiley online: 1(2008)-
0009-2703 CHEMTECH American Chemical Society 19(1989) - 29(1999)
0023-1118 Chimičeskije volokna CHIMIJA (1964)-(1995)6
0256-7679 Chinese Journal of Polymer Science Springer Nature, Chinese Chemical Society print: 4(1986)-22(2004)6
online: 18(2000)-
0010-0765 Collection of Czechoslovak Chemical Communications Wiley, Ústav organické chemie a biochemie AV ČR print:1(1929)-15(1950)
online: 1(1929)-
0303-402X Colloid & Polymer Science Springer Nature print: 252(1974)-300(2022)
online: 1(1906)-
300(2022)12 273(1995)5
1873-4359 Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects Elsevier online: 70(1993)-
0927-7765 Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces Elsevier online: 1(1993)-
0010-4361 Composites (od roku 1996 jako ) Composites Part A: Applied Science and Manufacturing Elsevier, Centre de Documentation du verre textile et des Plastiques print: 15(1984)-24(1993)8
online: 24(1993)-
1089-3156 Computational and Theoretical Polymer Science Elsevier print: 6(1996)-11(2001)6
online: 7(1997)-11(2001)
1052-0643 Computational Polymer Science Elsevier 1(1991)-5(1995)4
0885-9175 Contact Lens Spectrum PentaVision, Inc. print: 19(2004)-26(2011)12
online: (1996)-
1466-8033 CrystEngComm Royal Society of Chemistry online: 10(2008)-
1359-0294 Current Opinion in Colloid and Interface Science Elsevier print: 1(1996)-62(2022)
online: 1(1996)-
0011-4626 Czechoslovak Journal of Physics Fyzikální ústav AV ČR print: 1(1952)
online: 1997-56(2006)
1477-9226 Dalton Transactions Royal Society of Chemistry online: (2008)-
0011-9164 Desalination Elsevier print: 49(1984)-53(1985)
online: 1(1966)-
0366-9033 Discussions of the Faraday Society Faraday Society č. 1(1947)-č. 52(1971) č. 5, 19, 21, 24, 40
1098-2299 Drug Development Research Wiley online: 37(1996)-
0013-1350 Education in Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry online: (2008)-
1873-3859 Electrochimica Acta Elsevier online: 38(1993)-
1754-5692 Energy & Environmental Science Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2008)-
1479-8298 Entomological Science Wiley online: 3(2006)-
2051-8153 Environmental Science: Nano Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2014)-
2050-7895 Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts Royal Society of Chemistry online: 15(2013)-
2053-1400 Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2015)-
1099-0690 European Journal of Organic Chemistry Wiley online: 1998(1998)-
0928-0987 European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Elsevier print: 15(2002)-35(2008)3
online: 1(1993)-
0014-3057 European Polymer Journal Elsevier print: 1(1965)-46(2011)2
online: 29(1993)-
1541-8251 European Transactions on Telecommunications Wiley online: 7(1996)-
1359-6640 Faraday Discussions Royal Society of Chemistry online: 137(2008)-
0301-7249 Faraday Discussions of the Chemical Society Faraday Society č. 53(1972)-č. 89(1990) č. 80, 81, 84
0301-5696 Faraday Symposia of the Chemical Society Faraday Society 2(1968)-4(1970)
0014-8628 Faserfoschung und Textiltechnik Akademie-Verlag 1(1950)- 29(1978)11/12
2042-6496 Food & Function Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2010)-
0341-020X Forschritte der Hochpolymeren Forschung Springer Nature 1(1958)-3(1964)3
1463-9270 Green Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry online: 10(2008)-
0018-019X Helvetica Chimica Acta Wiley print: 21(1938)-60(1977)8
online: 1(1918)-
0954-0083 High Performance Polymers Sage print: 5(1993)-34(2022)
online: 11(1999)-
0019-5103 Indian Journal of Chemistry Council of Scientific and Industrial Research 3(1965)-13(1975)12 8(1970)5, 12
9(1971)4, 11
13(1975)5, 7
0376-4710 Indian Journal of Chemistry; Section A: Inorganic, Physical Theoretical and Analytical Chemistry Council of Scientific and Industrial Research – National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research print: 14(1976)-36(1997)12
online: 1999-
31A(1992)2, 3
0376-4699 Indian Journal of Chemistry; Section B: Organic Chemistry Incl. Medicinal Chemistry Council of Scientific and Industrial Research – National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research print: 14(1976)-35(1996)12
online: 1999-
29B(1990)2, 10
31B(1992)3, 10
32B(1993)1, 7-10
0019-5596 Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics Council of Scientific and Industrial Research – National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research print: 9(1971)-33(1995)12
online: 37(1999)-
9(1971)1-7, 9
25(1987)7, 8
27(1989)9, 10
30(1992)1, 2
0019-7866 Industrial and Engineering Chemistry American Chemical Society print: 12(1920)-13(1921) 15(1923)-31(1939)
33(1941), 35(1943)-62(1970)12
online: 1(1909)-62(1970)
0196-4305 Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Process Design and Development American Chemical Society print: 1(1962)-9(1970)
online: 1(1962)-25(1986)
0888-5885 Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research American Chemical Society print: 26(1987)-30(1991)12
online: 26(1987)-
0096-4484 Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: Analytical Edition American Chemical Society print: 2(1930)-4(1932), 6(1934)-10(1938)
13(1941)-14(1942), 18(1946)12
online: 1(1929)-18(1946)
1757-9694 Integrative Biology Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2009)-
0141-8130 International Journal of Biological Macromolecules: Struct., Funct. and Interactions Elsevier print: 1(1979)-223(2022)
online: 1(1979)-
223PA(2022) 4(1982)7
1873-3476 International Journal of Pharmaceutics Elsevier online: 89(1993)-
1023-666X International Journal of Polymer Analysis and Characterization Taylor & Francis print: 1(1995)-27(2022
online: 3(1997)2-
27(2022)1-8 27(2022)1-
0091-4037 International Journal of Polymeric Materials Taylor & Francis print: 1(1971-1972), 10(1983)-12(1989),
14(1990)-25(1994), 27(1995) 3-4
online: 35(1997)-
1869-5868 Israel Journal of Chemistry Wiley online: 40(2000)-
1350-7583 Issues in Environmental Science and Technology Royal Society of Chemistry online: 2008-2020
0021-7689 Journal de Chimie Physique et Physico-Chimie Biologique Societe Francais de Chimie print: 57(1960)-58(1961), 60(1963)-86(1989)12
0267-9477 Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry Royal Society of Chemistry online: 23(2008)-
0021-8898 Journal of Applied Crystallography IUCr, Wiley print: 1(1968)-46(2013)6
online: 1(1968)-
0021-8979 Journal of Applied Physics American Institute of Physics 8(1937)-34(1963)
0021-8995 Journal of Applied Polymer Science Wiley print: 1(1959)-71(1999), 75(2000)-139(2022)
online: 1(1959)-
139(2022)47-48 59(1996)11
0883-9115 Journal of Bioactive and Compatible Polymers Sage print: 1(1986)-2(1987), 7(1992)-15(2000), 17(2002)-32(2017)4 2(1987)2, 4
32(2017)2, 5, 6
0920-5063 Journal of Biomaterials Science - Polymer Edition Taylor & Francis print: 14(2003)-21(2010)14
online: 8(1997)7-
1549-3296 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Pt. A Wiley 1(1967)-63(2002)
online: 30(1996)-
1552-4973 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research - Pt. B Wiley print: 33(1996)-63(2002)
online: 30(1996)-
0099-9288 Journal of Biomedical Materials Research-Symposia Wiley print: 1(1971)-8(1977)7
online: 1996-
0021-9606 Journal of Chemical Physics American Institute of Physics print: 1(1993)-105(1996)
CD ROM: 104(1996)-121(2004)July-September
102(1995)10, 11
119(2003) Jan-June
121(2004) Jan-June
0368-1769 Journal of Chemical Society (JCS) Royal Society of Chemistry 125(1924), 127(1925)-129(1927),
0300-922X Journal of Chemical Society (JCS) : Perkin Transactions I Royal Society of Chemistry (1972)-(1990)12
0300-9580 Journal of Chemical Society (JCS): Perkin Transactions II Royal Society of Chemistry (1972)-(1990)12
0022-4944 Journal of Chemical Society Part A: Inorganic,Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry (1966)-(1971)23
0045-6470 Journal of Chemical Society Part B: Physical Organic Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry (1966)-(1971)12
0022-4952 Journal of Chemical Society Part C: Organic Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry (1966)-(1971)23
0009-241X Journal of Chemical Society Part D: Chemical Communications Royal Society of Chemistry (1969)-(1971)24
0022-4936 Journal of Chemical Society: Chemical Communications Royal Society of Chemistry (1972)-(1990), (1992)-(1995)24 (1985)21
0956-5000 Journal of Chemical Society: Faraday Transactions Royal Society of Chemistry 86(1990)-87(1991)
0300-9599 Journal of Chemical Society: Faraday Transactions I Royal Society of Chemistry 68(1972)-85(1989)12
0300-9238 Journal of Chemical Society: Faraday Transactions II Royal Society of Chemistry 68(1972)-85(1989)12
0021-9673 Journal of Chromatography A Elsevier print: 1(1958)-188(1980), 190(1980)-194(1980)
196(1980)-217(1981), 219(1981)-227(1982)
234(1982)-241(1982), 243(1982)-271(1983)
282(1983)-295(1984), 297(1984)-304(1984),
312(1984)-322(1985), 324(1985)-335(1985)
346(1985)-360(1986), 362(1986)-372(1986)
384(1987)-385(1987), 388(1987)-423(1987)3
online: A628(1993)-
1570-0232 Journal of Chromatography B Elsevier print: 1(1958)-188(1980)
297(1984)-304(1984) 312(1984)-322(1985)
online: B766(2002)-
0021-9797 Journal of Colloid and Interface Science Elsevier print: 21(1966)-32(1970)2, 35(1971)-
online: 1966-
652 PB(2023) 32(1970)3-4
0095-8522 Journal of Colloid Science Elsevier 1(1946)-20(1965)9 628 PA (2022)
0168-3659 Journal of Controlled Release Elsevier print: 1(1984)-6(1987), 10(1989)-132(2008)3
online: 23(1993)-
1572-6657 Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry Elsevier print: 7(1964)-33(1971)2
online: 344(1993)-
0022-0744 Journal of Electron Microscopy Oxford University Press 4(1956)-55(2006)
2050-7887 Journal of Environmental Monitoring Royal Society of Chemistry online: 10(2008)-14(2012)
1064-7546 Journal of Environmental Polymer Degradation Plenum Press, Springer Nature print: 1(1993)-7(1999)4
online: 1(1993)-1999
1943-5193 Journal of Heterocyclic Chemistry Wiley online: 34(1997)-
0095-9014 Journal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry American Chemical Society 12(1920)-13(1921)
0148-3919 Journal of Liquid Chromatography Taylor & Francis print: 1(1978)-16(1993)18
online: 20(1997)-
0449-2730 Journal of Macromolecular Chemistry Dekker 1(1966)4
1060-1325 Journal of Macromolecular Science (JMS), Pt. A: Pure and Applied Chemistry Taylor & Francis, Dekker print: A29(1992)-A61(2022)
online: 34(1997)-
59(2022)7-12 A33(1996)1
0022-2321 Journal of Macromolecular Science (JMS), Part D: Reviews in Polymer Processing and Technology Dekker D1(1971)2
0022-2348 Journal of Macromolecular Science (JMS), Pt. B: Physics Taylor & Francis, Dekker print: B1(1967)-B20(1981), B22(1983)- B61(2022)
online: 36(1997)-
B61(2022)7-9 B14(1977)1
0022-2356 Journal of Macromolecular Science (JMS), Pt. C: Reviews in Macromol.Chemistry Dekker C1(1967)-C3(1969), C5(1970)-C21(1981)2 C8(1972)2
0022-233X Journal of Macromolecular Science (JMS), Pt.A Chemistry. Dekker A1(1967)-A17(1982), A19(1983)-A28(1991)12 A10(1976)6-9
1532-1797 Journal of Macromolecular Science (JMS),Part C: Polymer reviews Taylor & Francis, Dekker print: C41(2001)-C45(2005)
online: 2001-
0736-6574 Journal of Macromolecular Science (JMS),Part C: Reviews in Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics Dekker print: C22(1982)-C40(2000)4
online: 1997-2000
1090-7807 Journal of Magnetic Resonance Elsevier print: 4(1971)-100(1992),
online: 1(1969)-100(1992), 124(1997)-
346(2023) 345(2022)
1064-1858 Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series A Elsevier print: A101(1993)-A123(1996)2
1064-1866 Journal of Magnetic Resonance, Series B Elsevier print: B101-B123(1996)2
0959-9428 Journal of Materials Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry online: 18(2008)1-22(2012)48
2050-7488 Journal of Materials Chemistry A Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2013)-
2050-750X Journal of Materials Chemistry B Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2013)-
2050-7526 Journal of Materials Chemistry C Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2013)-
0957-4530 Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine Springer Nature print: 8(1997)-31(2020)12
online: 1(1990)-
0376-7388 Journal of Membrane Science Elsevier print: 17(1984)-664(2022)
online: 1(1976)-
0022-2836 Journal of Molecular Biology Elsevier, Academic Press print: 5(1962)-9(1964), 47(1970)-54(1970)
56(1971)- 70(1972), 82(1974)-99(1976)4
online: 229(1993)-
0022-2852 Journal of Molecular Spectroscopy Elsevier, Academic Press print: 1(1957)-38(1971), 40(1971)-103(1984)2
online: 157(1993)-
1790-4439 Journal of Nanostructured Polymers and Nanocomposites Nanofun-Poly Network 1(2005)-4(2008)4
0022-3263 Journal of Organic Chemistry American Chemical Society print: 12(1947)-13(1948), 15(1950)-74(2009)24
online: 1(1936)-
0022-328X Journal of Organometallic Chemistry Elsevier print: 7(1967)-44(1972), 46(1972)-84(1974)2
online: 443(1993)-
1099-1387 Journal of Peptide Science Wiley online: 2(1996)-
1520-6017 Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences Wiley online: 85(1996)-104(2015)
0022-3654 Journal of Physical Chemistry American Chemical Society print: 45(1941)-100(1996)
online: 1(1896)-100(1996)51
1089-5639 Journal of Physical Chemistry A American Chemical Society print: 101(1997)-113(2009)52
online: 101(1997)-
1520-6106 Journal of Physical Chemistry B American Chemical Society print: 101(1997)-113(2009)52
online: 101(1997)-
1932-7447 Journal of Physical Chemistry C American Chemical Society print: 111(2007)-113(2009)52
online: 111(2007)-
0022-3727 Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics Institute of Physics 3(1970)-13(1980)12
0022-3735 Journal of Physics E: Scientific Instruments Institute of Physics E1(1968)-E14(1981)12 E6(1973)10-12
0334-6447 Journal of Polymer Engineering De Gruyter 12(1993)-42(2022) 42(2022)10 14(1995)1
0970-0838 Journal of Polymer Materials Oxford and I.B.H. Publis. CO 1(1984)-9(1992)4
0022-3832 Journal of Polymer Science Wiley print: 1(1946)-57(1962)165
2642-4169 Journal of Polymer Science Wiley print: 58(2020)-60(2022)
online: 58(2020)-
0449-2951 Journal of Polymer Science Part A: General Papers Wiley 1A(1963)-3A(1965)12
0449-2951 Journal of Polymer Science Part A: General Papers; Part A-1: Chemistry Wiley 4A-1(1966)-10A-1(1972)12
0449-2978 Journal of Polymer Science Part A: General Papers; Part A-2: Physics Wiley 4A-2(1966)-10A-2(1972)12
0887-624X Journal of Polymer Science Part A: Polymer Chemistry Wiley print: 24(1986)-57(2019)24
online: 34(1996)-
0449-2986 Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Letters Wiley 1B(1963)-10B(1972)12
0887-6266 Journal of Polymer Science Part B: Polymer Physics Wiley print: 24(1986)3-7(2019)24
online: 34(1996)-
0449-2994 Journal of Polymer Science Part C: Polymer Symposia Wiley (1963)1-(1971)39
0376-0383 Journal of Polymer Science Part D: Macromolecular Reviews Wiley 1D(1970)-6D(1972)
0076-2083 Journal of Polymer Science: Macromolecular Reviews Wiley 7(1973)-16(1981)
0360-6376 Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Chemistry Edition Wiley 11(1973)-23(1985)12 23(1985)3, 4
0087-6258 Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Letters Edition Wiley 11(1973)-28(1990)13
0098-1273 Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Physics Edition Wiley 11(1973)-23(1985)12
0360-8905 Journal of Polymer Science: Polymer Symposia Wiley (1972)č.40-(1993)č.75
1566-2543 Journal of Polymers and the Environment Springer Nature print: 8(2000)-30(2022)
online: 1(1993)-
1097-4555 Journal of Raman Spectroscopy Wiley online: 27(1996)-
0731-6844 Journal of Reinforced Plastics and Composites Sage Publications Sage 4(1985)-22(2003)18 6(1987)č.1
1044-677X Journal of Research of the Nat. Inst. of Standards and Technology National Institute of Standards and Technology print: 94(1989)-107(2002)6
online: (1928)-
160-1741 Journal of Research of the US National Bureau of Standards National Institute of Standards and Technology print: 1(1928)-80(1976), 82(1977)-93(1988)6
online: (1928)-
0148-6055 Journal of Rheology Society of Rheology print: 22(1978)- 66(2022) 66(2022)5 66(2022)6
0950-7671 Journal of Scientific Instruments Institute of Physics and the Physical Society 16(1939); 28(1951), 32(1955)-35(1958), 37(1960)-44(1967)12 16(1939)č.9-12
1524-4168 Journal of Separation Science Wiley online: 19(1996)-
0002-7863 Journal of the American Chemical Society American Chemical Society print: 39(1917), 45(1923), 48(1926)-50(1928), 52(1930)-131(2009)51
online: 1(1879)-
0013-4651 Journal of the Electrochemical Society Electrochemical Society 148(2001)-149(2002), 152(2005)12
0019-4522 Journal of the Indian Chemical Society Indian Institute of Science 36(1959)-70(1993)10 55(1978)1-6
0970-4140 Journal of the Indian Institute of Science Indian Institute of Science print: 38(1956)-54(1972)6
online: 1(1914)-
0970-4140 Journal of the Indian Institute of Science Springer Nature print: 66(1986)-95(2015)
online: 97(2017)-
66(1986)11, 12
0368-2668 Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Sec. A Indian Institute of Science 59(1977)-65(1984)12 59(1977)1
0368-2676 Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Sec. B Indian Institute of Science 59(1977)-65(1984)12
0368-2684 Journal of the Indian Institute of Science, Sec. C Indian Institute of Science 59(1977)-65(1984)12
0030-3941 Journal of the Optical Society of America Optical Society of America 40(1950)-73(1983)12
0740-3232 Journal of the Optical Society of America, A Optical Society of America A1(1984)-A8(1991)
0740-3224 Journal of the Optical Society of America, B Optical Society of America B1(1984)1 - B1(1984)6
0031-9015 Journal of the Physical Society of Japan Physical Society of Japan 20(1965)-39(1975)3
1932-7005 Journal of Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine Wiley print: 1(2007)-7(2013)
online: 1(2007)-
1083-5601 Journal of Vinyl & Additive Technology Wiley print: 5(1999)-7(2001), 10(2004)-28(2022)
online: 2(1996)-
27(2021)1 23(2017)1, 25(2019)2-4, 26(2020)2, 3, 27(2021)2-4
Kaučuk a plastické hmoty Výzkumný ústav gumárenské a plastikářské technologie 1959-(1961)12
0386-2186 Kobunshi Ronbunshu Society of Polymer Science 31(1974)-49(1992)12
0023-2904 Kolloid Zeitschrift & Zeitschrift für Polymere Steinkopff 98(1942), 125(1952)-129(1952), 146(1956)-251(1973)8 251(1973)9-12
0203-3275 Kompozicionnyje polimernyje materialy Naukova Dumka 1979-(1993)55 č.51,52
0721-5096 Kontaktlinse Konradin Verlagsgruppe 28(1994)-47(2013)12
1225-5497 Korea Polymer Journal The Polymer Soc. of Korea 9(2001)6
1473-0197 Lab on a Chip Royal Society of Chemistry online: 8(2008)-
0743-7463 Langmuir American Chemical Society print 6(1990)-25(2009)24
online: 1(1985)-
0170-2041 Liebigs Annalen der Chemie Chemie 421(1921)-424(1921), 557(1947)-565(1949)
691(1966)-766(1972), 1973-(1981)12
1616-5187 Macromolecular BioScience Wiley print: 1(2001)-12(2012)12
online: 1(2001)-
1022-1352 Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics Wiley print: 195(1994)-218(2017)
online: 199(1998)-
1438-7492 Macromolecular Materials and Engineering Wiley print: 274(2000)-302(2017)12
online: 254(1998)-
1022-1336 Macromolecular Rapid Communications Wiley print: 15(1994)-38(2017)24
online: 19(1998)-
1862-832X Macromolecular Reaction Engineering Wiley print: 1(2007)-2(2008)
online: 1(2007)-
1060-278X Macromolecular Reports Supplement to JMS Pure Appl.Chem. Taylor & Francis, Dekker A28(1991)-A33(1996)
1598-5032 Macromolecular Research Springer Nature, The Polymer Soc. of Korea 10(2002)-17(2009)12
1022-1360 Macromolecular Symposia Wiley print: 77(1994)-298(2010)
online: 149(2000)-
1022-1344 Macromolecular Theory and Simulations Wiley print 3(1994)-21(2012)9
online: 7(1998)-
0024-9297 Macromolecules American Chemical Society print: 1(1968)-42(2009)24
online: 1(1968)-
1097-458X Magnetic Resonance in Chemistry Wiley online: 34(1996)-
0025-116X Makromolekulare Chemie HÜTHIG und WEPF print: 1(1947)-194(1993)11 194(1993)č.12
0173-2803 Makromolekulare Chemie- Rapid Communications HÜTHIG und WEPF print: 1(1980)-14(1993)11 9(1988) č.1
14(1993) č.12
0258-0322 Makromolekulare Chemie- Symposium HÜTHIG und WEPF 1(1986)-46(1991),
1018-5054 Makromolekulare Chemie- Theory and Simulation HÜTHIG und WEPF 1(1992)-2(1993)6
1098-2787 Mass Spectrometry Reviews Wiley online: 15(1996)-
1879-3312 Materials Chemistry and Physics Elsevier online: 33(1993)-
2051-6347 Materials Horizons Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2014)-
0928-4931 Materials Science and Engineering: C (Incorporating Supramolecular Science) Elsevier print: C7(1999)-132(2022)
online: 1(1993)-132(2022)
1369-7021 Materials Today Elsevier online: 1(1998)-
0203-1272 Mechanika kompozitnych materialov Zinatne print: 1979 - (1997)6
0025-8865 Mechanika polimerov Zinatne print: 1965 - (1978)6
2040-2503 MedChemComm Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2010)-10(2019)
1756-5901 Metallomics Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2009)-
0026-265X Microchemical Journal Elsevier, Academic Press print: 21(1976)-48(1993)3
online: 47(1993)-
0044-376X Microscopica Acta Hirzel, S. print: 71(1971)-83(1980)5
1097-0029 Microscopy Research and Technique Wiley online: 33(1996)-
0026-3672 Mikrochimica Acta Springer Nature print: 1965-(1975)5
online: 1(1937)-
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1742-206X Molecular BioSystems Royal Society of Chemistry online: 4(2008)-
0026-8976 Molecular Physics Taylor & Francis print: 1(1958), 9(1965)-21(1971). 23(1972)-41(1980)6
online: 87(1996)-
0026-9247 Monatshefte für Chemie Springer Nature print: 99(1968)-106(1975)6
online: 1997-
0343-7329 Monatshefte für Chemie und Verwandte Teile Anderer Wissenschaften Springer Nature 41(1920)-54(1929)
Generalregister k 11(1890)-30(1909)
1530-6984 Nano Letters American Chemical Society online: 1(2001)-
1748-0132 Nano Today Elsevier online: 1(2006)-
2040-3364 Nanoscale Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2009)-
0265-0568 Natural Product Reports Royal Society of Chemistry online: 25(2008)-
0028-0836 Nature Springer Nature print: 358(1992)-475(2011)7357
online: 343(1990)-
12 month delay
424(2003)6947, 6949;
1476-1122 Nature Materials Nature Publishing Group online: 3(2004)9 - 14(2015)
1369-9261 New Journal of Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry online: 32(2008)-
0169-6424 New Polymeric Materials VNU Science Press print: 3(1991)-5(1996/98)2
1099-1492 NMR in Biomedicine Wiley online: 9(1996)-
1756-1051 Nordic Journal of Botany Wiley online: 16(1996)-
0146-9592 Optics Letters American Institute of Physics 1(1977)-2(1978), 4(1979)-16(1991)24 1(1977)4
0030-4034 Optika i spektroskopija Nauka 48(1980)-69(1990)
1477-0520 Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry online: 6(2008)-
1523-7060 Organic Letters American Chemical Society print: 1(1999)-11(2009)24
online: 1(1999)-
1083-7450 Pharmaceutical Development and Technology Taylor & Francis, Dekker print: 1(1996)-13(2008)6
online: 4(1999)-
18 month delay
1474-905X Photochemical & Photobiological Sciences Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2002)-
1463-9076 Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics (PCCP) Royal Society of Chemistry print: 1(1999)-6(2004), 8(2006)-10(2008)48
online: 10(2008)1-
0148-6349 Physics American Institute of Physics print: 1(1931)-7(1936)
1612-8869 Plasma Processes and Polymers Wiley online: 1(2004)-
0048-4350 Plaste und Kautschuk Konradin Verlagsgruppe 1(1954)
0554-2901 Plastičeskije massy Plastičeskije Massy print: 1961- (1996)4 (1988)č.10
0322-7340 Plastické hmoty a kaučuk Ministerstvo chemického průmyslu 1(1964)-10(1973)12
0959-8111 Plastics Rubber and Composites Processing and Applications Elsevier print: 15(1991)-27(1998)10
0144-6045 Plastics Rubber Processing and Applications Elsevier 4(1984)-14(1990)
1465-8011 Plastics, Rubber and Composites Taylor & Francis print: 28(1999)-51(2022)
online: 28(1999)-
0322-7340 Plasty a kaučuk Fakulta technologie UTB 11(1974)-53(2016)11-12
1550-6703 PMSE Preprints American Chemical Society print: 86(2002), 88(2003)-101(2009) 87(2002)
0032-2725 Polimery Instytut chemii przemyslovej print: 41(1996)-62(2017)9
online: 45(2000)-
0370-0747 Polimery w medycynie Uniwersytet medyczny print: 1(1971)-46(2016)2
online: 39(2009)-
0032-2725 Polimery, tworzywa wielkoczasteckowe Instytut chemii przemyslovej 7(1962)-40(1995)12 21(1976)č.5,6
0032-3861 Polymer Elsevier print: 1(1960)-
online: 34(1993)-
289(2023) 22(1981)11
23(1982)1, 2
0170-0839 Polymer Bulletin Springer Nature print: 1(1978)-79(2022)
online: 1(1978)-
1759-9954 Polymer Chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2010)-
0263-6476 Polymer Communications Elsevier 24(1983)-32(1991)18
0272-8397 Polymer Composites Wiley, Society of Plastics Engineers print: 3(1982)-43(2022)
online: 36(1996)-
43(2022)3, 4, 6-9, 11
0883-153X Polymer Contents Elsevier online: 12(1995)-27(2010)
0141-3910 Polymer Degradation and Stability Elsevier print: 1(1979)-95(2010)12
online: 39(1993)-
0032-3888 Polymer Engineering and Science Wiley, Society of Plastics Engineers print: 8(1968)-62(2022)
online: 36(1996)-
62(2022)3, 4, 7-9
0966-7822 Polymer Gels and Networks Elsevier print: 1(1993)-6(1998)6
online: 3(1995)-6(1998)
0959-8103 Polymer International Wiley print: 24(1991)-71(2022)
online: 39(1996)-
0032-3896 Polymer Journal Nature Publishing Group print: 1(1970)-50(2018)12
online: 1(1970)-
12 month delay
1181-9510 Polymer Networks and Blends ChemTec Publishing 1(1991)-7(1997)4
0144-2880 Polymer Photochemistry Elsevier 2(1982)-7(1986) 7(1986)4
0032-3934 Polymer Preprints American Chemical Society print: 5(1964)-45(2004)
CD ROM: 42(2001)-54(2013)
1558-3724 Polymer Reviews Taylor & Francis print: 46(2006)-62(2022)
online: 37(1997)-
62(2022)3 62(2022)1
0142-9418 Polymer Testing Elsevier print: 4(1984)-92(2020)
online: 1(1980)-
0360-2559 Polymer-Plastics Technology and Materials Taylor & Francis print: 2(1973)-18(1982), 20(1983)-61(2022)
online: 36(1997)-
61(2022)15-18 16(1981)2
0743-0515 Polymeric Materials Science and Engineering American Chemical Society 50(1984)-56(1987), 58(1988), 60(1989)-68(1993)
1042-7147 Polymers for Advanced Technologies Wiley print: 1(1990)-31(2020)12
online: 7(1996)-
0369-8718 Proceedings of the Chemical Society Royal Society of London 1959 - (1964)12
0080-4630 Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, Series A: Mathematical and Physical Sciences Royal Society of London 283(1965)-333(1973), 336(1974)-352(1976) č.1668
0340-255X Progress in Colloid and Polymer Science Springer Nature 56(1975)-64(1978), 66(1979)-80(1989), 82(1990)-93(1993)
0079-6700 Progress in Polymer Science Elsevier print: 1(1967)-
online: 18(1993)-
1070-3667 Protein Profile Academic Press 1(1994)č.1 - 10
1469-896X Protein Science Wiley online: 1(1992)-
0033-4545 Pure and Applied Chemistry The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry print: 11(1965), 13(1966)-51(1979), 53(1981)-79(2007)12 27(1971)1
1097-0231 Rapid Communications in Mass Spectrometry Wiley online: 1(1987)-
1381-5148 Reactive and Functional Polymers Elsevier print: 26(1995)-181(2022)
online: 26(1995)-
0923-1137 Reactive Polymers Elsevier print: 10(1989)-25(1995)3
online: 19(1993)-25(1995)
0923-1137 Reactive Polymers, Ion Exchange, Sorbents Elsevier 2(1984)-9(1988)3
0486-4476 Reports on Progress in Polymer Physics in Japan Assoc. for Science Document. Inf. 5(1962)-39(1996)
0034-6748 Review of Scientific Instruments American Institute of Physics 1(1930)-34(1963), 36(1965)-52(1981)12
Reviews in Macromolecular Chemistry 1(1966)
0034-6861 Reviews of Modern Physics American Institute of Physics 19(1947), 28(1956), 32(1960)-35(1963), 37(1965)-55(1983)3 55(1983)4
0035-4511 Rheologica Acta Springer Nature print: 1(1958)-61(2022)
online: 1958-
0035-452X Rheology Abstracts Pergamon Press 9(1966)- 35(1992)4
2046-2069 RSC Advances Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2011)-
2632-8682 RSC Medicinal chemistry Royal Society of Chemistry online: 11(2020)-
0035-9475 Rubber Chemistry and Technology American Chemical Society 57(1984)-82(2009)5 58(1985)1
1211-1244 Sbírka zákonů Ministerstvo vnitra ČR online: (1945)-
0036-8075 Science American Association for the Advancement of Science online: 247(1990)-
1873-3077 Sensors and Actuators B: Chemical Elsevier online: 10(1993)-
1613-6810 Small Wiley print: 1(2005)
online: 1(2005)-
1744-683X Soft Matter Royal Society of Chemistry online: 4(2008)-
0926-2040 Solid State NMR Elsevier print: 1(1992)-122(2022)
online: 1(1993)6-
0371-1951 Spectrochimica Acta Elsevier print: 1(1939/41)-2(1941/44), 4(1950)-22(1966) 19(1963)10,11
1386-1425 Spectrochimica Acta, Part A, Molecular and biomolecular spectroscopy Elsevier print: 23A(1967)-49A(1993)
online: 51(1995)-
0584-8539 Spectrochimica acta. Part A, Molecular spectroscopy Elsevier 23A(1967)-49A(1993)
online: 49(1993)-50(1994)
1549-4918 Stem Cells Wiley online: 14(1996)-
12 month delay
0969-2126 Structure Cell Press online: 1(1993)-
12 month delay
0968-5677 Supramolecular Science Elsevier print: 2(1995)-5(1998)6
online: 2(1995)-5(1998)
1096-9918 Surface and Interface Analysis Wiley online: 24(1996)-
0039-7881 Synthesis - Journal of Synthetic Organic Chemistry Thieme-Chemistry 1969-54(2022)
0379-6779 Synthetic Metals Elsevier print: 76(1996)-291(2022)
online: 53(1993)-
0040-4020 Tetrahedron Pergamon Press print: 1(1957)-21(1965)
online: 49(1993)-
0040-4039 Tetrahedron Letters Pergamon Press print: 1959-(1979)52
online: 34(1993)-
2045-452X Toxicology Research Royal Society of Chemistry online: 1(2012)-
0014-7672 Transactions of the Faraday Society Faraday Society print: 42(1946), 44(1948)-67(1971)12 43(1947)
0038-0032 Transactions of the Society of Rheology Wiley print: 1(1957)-21(1977)4
0966-4793 Trends in Polymer Science Elsevier 1(1993)-5(1997)12 1(1993)č.1-8
0042-1308 Uspechi chimii Rossijskaja akademia nauk 3(1934) ,5(1936),
1214-4029 Vesmír Vesmír s.r.o. 100(2021)- 104 (2025)2
1210-9460 Věstník SÚKL Státní ústav pro kontrolu léčiv online: (2009)-
0042-9368 Vysokomolekularnyje sojedinenija Nauka 1(1959)-8(1966)12
1023-3091 Vysokomolekularnyje sojedinenija Serija A i B Nauka 35(1993)- 55(2013)12
0507-5475 Vysokomolekularnyje sojedinenija. Serija A Nauka 9(1967)-34(1992)12 27A(1985)č.1
2308-1120 Vysokomolekularnyje sojedinenija. Serija A - Fizika polimerov Nauka 56(2014)-64(2022)
0507-5483 Vysokomolekularnyje sojedinenija. Serija B Nauka 9(1967)-34(1992)12 33B(1991)č.8
2308-1139 Vysokomolekularnyje sojedinenija. Serija B - Chimija polimerov Nauka 56(2014)-61(2022) 64B(2022)3
0372-8382 Zeitschrift für Elektrochemie Vch. Verlagsgesellschaft print: 60(1956), 63(1959)-66(1962)10 60(1956)č.1-5
0373-031X Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Mikroskopie Hirzel, S. 65(1961)-70(1970/71) 4
0514-7492 Žurnal organičeskoj chimii Nauka 1(1965)-26(1990)12 23(1987)3
0136-7463 Žurnal strukturnoj chimii Nauka 2(1961)-31(1990)6 29(1988)4