21st Discussion Conference of P.M.M. and 9th International ERPOS Conference: 'Electrical and Related Properties of Polymers and Other Organic Solids'

Prague, Czech Republic, 15-18 July 2002

Dear Author,

The above meeting at which you will be presenting a lecture or poster communication is being held under the sponsorship of IUPAC. In collaboration with the Organizing Committee, IUPAC has arranged for publication of all lectures from themeeting as a volume of Macromolecular Symposia, published by Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, Germany.

Instructions for authors contributing to Macromolecular Symposia

Macromolecular Symposia is produced photographically from the authors' manuscripts. Manuscripts

are therefore submitted as 'camera-ready' and the prescribed format must be strictly followed. The papers must be carefully checked before submission as the author will receive no proofs once the paper has been accepted after reviewing.

No special laysheets will be sent out to authors (see Author Guidelines).

You will find Author Guidelines and a sample paper here. Instructions for authors can be also found on the journal homepage http://www.ms-journal.de , which contains Author Guidelines, a sample paper, a template and a link to the keyword list. We strongly recommend that authors use the template to facilitate formatting their document. Files of the sample paper and author guidelines are attached to this email. Manuscripts are to be submitted both as hard copy (2 copies) and in electronic format (word.doc or .rtf) to the volume editor, Dr. Jaroslav Kahovec, at the meeting at the latest.

The copyright transfer, transferring copyright to IUPAC, and reprint order forms (both attached) must also be completed and returned to the volume editor with the manuscript during the Conference.

Wiley-VCH will provide you, as author, one gratis copy of the volume that contains your contribution.

The contact person at Wiley-VCH is:

Dr. Ingrid Meisel
Editorial Office
Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics
P.O Box 10 11 61
D-69451 Weinheim
Tel: +49 (6201) 606 238/581
Fax: +49 (6201) 606 309/510
Email: macromol@wiley-vch.de

The organizers, Publisher and myself apologize for previous inaccurate and now delayed information caused by external factors.

Jaroslav Kahovec
Symposium Editor
IUPAC-Prague Transfer of Copyright Agreement 2002:
IUPAC-Prague reprint order 2002:
MacromolSymp Sample Paper:
MacromolSymp Author Guidelines: