M. Květoňa, A. Havránekb, P. Fialaa, I. Richtera
aCzech Technical University in Prague, Faculty of Nuclear Sciences and Physical Engineering, Department of Physical Electronics, Břehová 7, 115 19 Prague 1, Czech Republic, kvetonm@karkulka.fjfi.cvut.cz
bCharles University, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Department of Macromolecular Physics, V Holešovičkách 2, 180 00 Prague 8, Czech Republic
Photopolymer holographic recording materials are attractive media for applications such as image holography, diffractive optical elements, head up displays, or holographic memories. Photopolymers differ from conventional recording materials in their self-developing characteristics; the hologram is formed already during the exposition process. The material is composed of common organic compounds and its preparation is simple. Hence the composition can be varied easily to adjust properties for each specific application. The spectral sensitivity, thickness of the layer, resolution, refractive index, or stability can be set in this way.
In our laboratory the acrylamide based photopolymer is prepared and tested [1]. A method of real-time measurement is used for determination of material characteristics and their optimization. The material is exposed with interference field and the diffraction efficiency of the forming grating is continuously measured. The grow-curves of refractive index change are obtained and analyzed for determination of material characteristics. Next to the measurements a theoretical model of the recording process has been developed [2]. With the model it is possible to simulate and predict the real behavior of the recording material which helps for better understanding and optimization of the processes running in the material.
[1] M. Květoň, A. Havránek, P. Fiala, I. Richter, Polymer Holography I - Method and Experiment: Polymerization and networking as a method of permanent holographic record formation, Polymer Bulletin 58, 253-259 (2007).
[2] A. Havránek, M. Květoň, Polymer Holography - New Theory of Image Growth, poster presentation, 47th Microsymposium, Prague 2007.