17–21 June 2018 Prague
Polymer Networks and Gels 2018

Miroslava Dušková-Smrčková
Chair, IMC Prague
Thanks to your vital participation, the 82nd PMM conference and the 24th Polymer Networks Group Meeting - Polymer Networks and Gels 2018 has been concluded successfully.
The 82nd Prague Meeting on Macromolecules - Polymer Networks and Gels 2018 and 24th meeting of the international Polymer Networks Group will provide a discussion forum for participants from academia and industry engaged in science and technology of polymer gels and networks, both synthetic and natural. The emphasis is put on theoretical and experimental studies of the relations between the formation, chemical composition, structure, and properties of polymer networks and gels. Special attention will be paid to hydrogels used in biomedical applications, such as drug delivery, tissue engineering. Also, the attention will be paid to solutions of issues related to energy, natural sources and planet sustention via advanced materials design and application.
- Preparation and chemical design of networks and gels
controlled polymerization methods, organic and organic-inorganic networks and gels, micro- and nanocomposites, biopolymer gels, synthesis of hybrid systems with biopolymer motifs, physical gels, reaction kinetics and glass transition - Gelation, network formation, and properties
structure changes during gelation and network formation; static and dynamic properties, swelling equilibrium and dynamics, gel state of matter: from liquids to solids on time/temperature scales; simulation and modeling of build-up and properties of covalent and physical gels, structure organization, micro- and macrophase separation, constraint networks and gels - Polymer networks and gels at work/service
gels in life sciences, controlled drug release and targeting, responsive gels in biomedical and diagnostic applications, gel constructs, contact lenses and eye devices, networks and gels from renewable resources, crosslinked layers, coatings and thermosets, computational design of gel materials – from scanned nature to synthetic image by polymer physics aided Finite Element Method
Style of the Conference
The program will consist of oral presentations of invited as well as contributed lectures. Two sessions are planned for poster presentations.
International Advisory Board
- Prof. David Díaz Díaz, University of Regensburg, Germany
- Prof. Aleksey Drozdov, Aalborg University, Denmark
- Prof. Jean-Francois Gerard, INSA Lyon, France
- Prof. Jian Ping Gong, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan
- Prof. Ferenc Horkay, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA
- Prof. Eva Malmström Jonsson, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
- Prof. Oguz Okay, Istanbul Technical University, Turkey
- Prof. Costas Patrickios, University of Cyprus, Nicosia, Cyprus
- Prof. Olga Philippova, Moscow State University, Russia
- Prof. Marco Sangermano, Politecnico di Torino, Italy
- Prof. Mitsuhiro Shibayama, The University of Tokyo, Japan
- Prof. Julius Vancso, University of Twente, The Netherlands
- Prof. Brigitte Voit, Institute for polymer research, Dresden, Germany
- Prof. Chi Wu, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- Prof. Miklos Zrinyi, The Semmelweis University, Hungary