24–28 July 2022 Prague
Frontiers of Polymer Colloids
From Synthesis to Macro-Scale and Nano-Scale Applications

Daniel Horák
Chairman, IMC Prague
Welcome to the 84th PMM conference organized by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences.
Come and enjoy the scientific programme in friendly summer Prague.
- 28. 7. 2022: Thank you for taking part at the conference - let the group photo and photos taken during the conference commemorate the event!
- 7. 7. 2022: Final program published
The 84th Prague Meeting on Macromolecules – “Frontiers of Polymer Colloids: From Synthesis to Macro-Scale and Nano-Scale Applications” will focus on the latest innovative development in synthesis and characterization of polymer colloids both for life sciences and industry. The meeting will bring together multi-disciplinary experts from both academia and industry in the areas of polymer and material science, pharmaceutics, imaging, biology, and medicine.
- Preparation of advanced polymer and/or inorganic colloids, living polymerization systems, kinetics and mechanism, micro- and nano-encapsulation, core-shell and hollow particles, engineered surfaces, computer simulations.
- Biomedical aspects: particles for life sciences, drug and gene delivery, biomedical diagnostics, sensors. Colloids in nanobiotechnology and nanomedicine.
- Stimuli-responsive colloids, self-assembled systems, interfacial phenomena, characterization and physicochemical properties.
- New trends in industrial applications: coatings, adhesives, catalysis, paper, textile, optical devices, energy storage.
Style of the Conference
The program will consist of oral presentations of invited as well as contributed lectures. Two sessions are planned for poster presentations.
International Advisory Board
- J. M. Asua (Spain)
- M. Ballauff (Germany)
- S. A. F. Bon (UK)
- E. Bourgeat-Lami (France)
- J. A. Capobianco (Canada)
- M. Cunningham (Canada)
- A. Elaissari (France)
- C. J. Hawker (USA)
- P. Lacroix-Desmazes (France)
- K. Landfester (Germany)
- P. P. Li (Hong Kong)
- H. Minami (Japan)
- M. Monteiro (Australia)
- Y. Nagasaki (Japan)
- Š. Podzimek (Germany)
- B. Reck (Germany)
- J. Tsavalas (USA)
- A. M. van Herk (Netherlands)
- K. L. Wooley (USA)
- P. Zetterlund (Australia)