How to get to hotels
The map showing the position of hotels and of the institute is
at the bottom of this page.This page is not
kept up to date.
Terronská St. 28, Praha 6 - Bubeneč.
Access with own cars: Good access, but
parking limited in the street.
kNearest stops of public transport:
Lotyšská (tram 5,8: 150 m), Zelená (bus 131: 250 m),
Dejvická/Vítězné náměstí (Metro, many trams and buses:
500-1000 m), Bubeneč railway station (500 m). Detailed description of the way from
these stops to the hostel available.
Connection by public transport:
- To the Institute: Take tram 2 at
Vítězné náměstí in the direction of Petřiny as far
as the terminus (13 min, 5 km). You can also take tram No
8 from Lotyšská in the direction of Nádraží
Vysočany for 1 stop to Vítězné náměstí and change
for No 2 in the same direction. On Sunday, you have to
take tram 8 for 2 stops as far as Hradčanská and then
change for trams 1 or 18 in the opposite direction.
- from the hostel to the Institute:
- from the Institute to the hostel:
- From the airport: Take bus No 119 to
Dejvická terminus (21 min, 11 km), then either walk to
the hostel (700 m), or cross the place to the stop of
tram No 8 (300 m walk) and take it in the direction of
Podbaba for 1 stop to Lotyšská (500 m).
- From railway stations:
- If you travel from directions Munich or
Frankfurt/M via Pilsen, leave train at Praha-Smíchov
station and take tram No 20 in the direction of
Divoká Šárka as far as Vítězné náměstí
(23 min, 12 stops, 6 km).
- From most other directions, leave the train at Praha
hlavní nádraží station, take Metro
in the direction of Háje for 1 stop to Museum
and change for green line A in the direction of
Dejvická (usually up to 15 min, 4 km).
- If you train arrives in Prague at Praha-Holešovice
only, check the departure of the city train in
the direction of Praha-Bubeneč / Roztoky u Prahy.
- If available, take it to Praha-Bubeneč
station (1 stop, 4 min, 2 km) and either
walk 500 m, or take bus 131 for 2 stops
(3 min, 700 m) as far as Zelená.
- Otherwise
- either take Metro in the
direction of Háje for 4 stops to
Museum and change for line A in
the direction of Dejvická (20
minutes and 7 km totally),
- or take Metro in the direction of
Háje for 1 stop to Vltavská (2
min) and change for tram 26 in
the direction of Divoká Šárka
as far as Vítězné náměstí
(6 stops, 13 min, 4 km)
- or take any of trams 12, 14, 15,
17 in the direction of
Sídliště Barrandov,
Sídliště Modřany, or Vypich
for 3 stops to Strossmayerovo
náměstí (5 min, 2 km) and
change either for tram 26 in the
direction of Divoká Šárka as
far as Vítězné náměstí (5
stops, 11 min, 3 km), or for
tram 8 in the direction of
Podbaba as far as Lotyšská (6
stops, 13 min, 4 km)
- From the Florenc central coach station
(where most international buses arrive), take tram No 8
in the direction of Podbaba as far as Lotyšská
(10 stops, 22 min, 6 km).
Jenštejnská 1, Praha 2
Access with cars: Limited access and parking
Nearest stops of public transport: Jiráskovo
náměstí (tram 17, bus 176: 200 m), Karlovo náměstí
(metro B, tram 3, 4, 6, 10, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, 51-57, bus
176 and 290: 200 m)
- To the Institute: Take tram 18 in the
direction of Petřiny as far as its terminus (9 km, 28
- From the airport: Take bus 100 as far as
Zličín (4 stops, 15 min), then take Metro B as far as
Karlovo náměstí (10 stops, 18 min).
- From railway and coach stations: The
hotel has direct connection from Praha-Smíchov and
Praha-Vysočany railway station and Praha-Florenc,
Černý Most and Smíchov coach station by metro line B
to Karlovo náměstí, and from Holešovice railway
station by trams No 14 and 17. From main railway station
(Praha-hlavní nádraží), take Metro red line C in
direction of Háje for 2 stops as far as I.P.Pavlova,
then take any of trams 4, 6, 10, 16, 22 or 23 downhill
for 2 stops to Karlovo náměstí.
Thákurova 1, Praha 6 - Dejvice
Access with own cars: Good access, unwatched
parking in the street.
Nearest stops of public transport: Thákurova
(trams 2, 20, 26, 51: 100 m), Dejvická (Metro, many trams and
buses: 300 m). Detailed description of
the way from these stops to the hotel available.
- To the Institute: Take tram 2 from
Thákurova in the direction of Petřiny as far as the
terminus (15 min, 5 km). On Sunday, you have to take tram
20 or 26 for 3 stops as far as Hradčanská (2 km, 6 min)
and then change for trams 1 or 18 in the opposite
direction as far as Petřiny terminus (13 min, 5 km).
- From the airport: Take bus No 119 to
Dejvická terminus (21 min, 11 km), then walk back to the
last streetcrossing and cross the main street to the
- From railway stations:
- If you travel from directions Munich or
Frankfurt/M via Pilsen, leave train at Praha-Smíchov
station and take tram No 20 in the direction of
Divoká Šárka as far as Thákurova (26 min, 14
stops, 6 km).
- From most other directions, leave the train at Praha
hlavní nádraží station, take Metro
in the direction of Háje for 1 stop to Museum
and change for green line A in the direction of
Dejvická (usually up to 15 min, 4 km).
- If you train arrives in Prague at Praha-Holešovice
- either take Metro in the direction of
Háje for 4 stops to Museum and change
for line A in the direction of Dejvická
(20 minutes and 7 km totally),
- or take Metro in the direction of Háje
for 1 stop to Vltavská (2 min) and
change for tram 26 in the direction of
Divoká Šárka as far as Thákurova (8
stops, 16 min, 4 km)
- From the Florenc central coach station
(where most international buses arrive), find the stop of
tram No 26 in the direction of Divoká Šárka and take
it as far as Thákurova (9-10 stops, 19 min, 5 km).
Na Větrníku 18, Praha 6 - Břevnov
Access with own cars: Good access, unwatched
parking in the street.
Nearest stops of public transport: Koleje
Větrník (bus 179, 184, 191: 50-200 m), Větrník (tram 1, 2,
18, 56, bus 179, 184, 191: 200-300 m). Detailed
description of the way from these stops to the dormitory
- To the Institute: From Koleje Větrník
stop, take bus 179 in direction of Letiště Ruzyně or
bus 191 in direction of Petřiny as far as
Petřiny (2 min, 1 km, 2 stops), or from Větrník tram
stop, take any tram (1, 2, 18) in direction of Petřiny
as far as the terminus (2 min, 1 km, 2 stops).
- From the airport: Take bus No 179 to the
Větrník stop (13 stops, 22 min, 9 km) and walk right
along the shop and former windmill to the blue building
of dormitory.
- From railway stations: Please, follow
the instructions
how to get to the Institute, but leave 2 stops
earlier at Větrník (from bus at Koleje Větrník) stop.
Řeznická 4, Praha 1
Access with cars: Limited access and parking
Nearest stops of public transport: Lazarská
(tram 3, 9,14, 24 and all night trams: 200 m), Karlovo náměstí
(metro B, tram 3, 4, 6, 10, 14, 16, 18, 22, 24, 51-57, bus
176 and 290: 300 m)
- To the Institute: Take tram 18 in the
direction of Petřiny as far as its terminus (9 km, 28
- From the airport: Take bus 100 as far as
Zličín (4 stops, 15 min), then take Metro B as far as
Karlovo náměstí (10 stops, 18 min); or take bus 119 to
Dejvická (10 stops, 21 min), than take Metro A as far as
Můstek (4 stops, 7 min) and walk approx. 1 km to the
hotel or take tram 3, 9, 14 or 24 for 1 stop to
Vodičkova or for 2 stops to Lazarská.
- From railway and coach stations: The
hotel has direct connection from Praha-Smíchov and
Praha-Vysočany railway station and Praha-Florenc,
Černý Most and Smíchov coach station by metro line B
to Karlovo náměstí, and from Holešovice railway
station by tram No 14 or 24. From main railway station
(Praha-hlavní nádraží), take Metro red line C in
direction of Háje for 2 stops as far as I.P.Pavlova,
then take any of trams 4, 10, 16, or 22 downhill
for 2 stops to Karlovo náměstí
Bělohorská 24, Praha 6 - Břevnov
Access with cars: Good access, guarded car
park available.
Nearest stops of public transport: Pod
Královkou (bus 217: 50 m), Malovanka (tram 15,22,23,25, 57:
150m, bus 143, 149, 217: 200 m) Detailed
description of the way from these stops to the hotel available.
- To the Institute: Either take tram 22, or 25 in the direction of Vypich and Bílá Hora to
the Vypich stop (6 stops, 7 min, 3 km) and change for bus
179 or 191 in the direction of Petřiny or Letiště
Ruzyně as far as Petřiny (4 stops (4-5 by 191), 5 min,
2 km). Or take tram 25 in the direction of Lehovec for 2 stops to Vozovna Střešovice (4 min, 1 km) and
change for trams 1, 2, or 18 in opposite direction to
Petřiny (7 stops, 9 min, 4 km).
- From the airport: We recommend using the
offer of picking up at the
airport. If you still prefer travelling by public
transport, either take bus 179 to Vypich stop (25 min)
and change for tram 22 or 25 downhill (7 min). Or
take bus 119 to Dejvická terminus (21 min, 11 km), cross
the square (300 m) and take bus 143 (3 km, 8 min) to Malovanka.
- From railway and coach stations: We
recommend using the offer of picking
up at the station.
Evropská 15, Praha 6 - Dejvice
Access with cars: Good access, hotel garage
available for an extra fee.
Nearest stops of public transport: Dejvická
(just in front of the hotel) [see the hotel
web] Detailed description of the
way from these stops to the hotel available.
- To the Institute: Take tram 2 in the
direction of Petřiny as far as the terminus (14 min, 5
km). On Sunday, you have to take tram 20 or 26 for 2
stops as far as Hradčanská (2 km, 6 min) and then
change for trams 1 or 18 in the opposite direction as far
as Petřiny terminus (13 min, 5 km).
- From the airport: Take bus 119 in the
direction of Dejvická terminus (21 min, 11 km). The end
stop is just in front of the hotel. It is in fact not
useful to use the offer of picking up at the airport.
- From railway and coach stations: We
recommend using the offer of picking
up at the station.
Všehrdova 16, Praha 1 - Malá Strana
Access with cars: Limited access and parking
Nearest stops of public transport: Hellichova
(tram 12, 20, 22, 23, 57: 200 m), Újezd (tram 6, 9, 12, 20, 22,
57, 58: 200 m)
- To the Institute: Take tram 12, 20 or 22, as far as Malostranská (5 min), and there change for
tram 18 in the direction of Petřiny as far as its
terminus (6 km, 18 min). If you use tram No 20, you can
also change at Hradčanská stop for trams 1 or 18.
- From the airport: We strongly recommend
using the offer of picking up at
the airport. If you insist on travelling by public
transport, take bus 119 to Dejvická (21 min), from there
take tram 20 to Újezd (8 stops, 17 min).
- From railway and coach stations: We
strongly recommend using the offer of
picking up at the station, although the hotel has
direct connection from Praha-Smíchov and
Praha-Holešovice stations by tram No 12. Nevertheless,
you risc pickpocketing when travelling to this locality
by public transport with a big luggage.
Dražický Sq. 6, Praha 1 - Malá Strana
Access with cars: Limited access and no
parking possibility.
Nearest stops of public transport:
Malostranské náměstí (tram 12, 20, 22, 57: 200 m),
Malostranská (Metro A, tram 5, 12, 18, 20, 22, 57: 500 m) [see
the hotel web] Detailed
description of the way from these stops to the hotel available.
- To the Institute: Take tram 18 from
Malostranská in the direction of Petřiny as far as its
terminus (6 km, 18 min).
- From the airport: We strongly recommend
using the offer of picking up at
the airport. If you insist on travelling by public
transport, take bus 119 to Dejvická (21 min), from there
either take tram 20 to Malostranské náměstí (5 stops,
12 min), or Metro A to Malostranská (2 stops, 3 min).
- From railway and coach stations: We
strongly recommend using the offer of
picking up at the station, although Malostranské
náměstí and Malostranská have direct connection from
Praha-Smíchov and Praha-Holešovice stations by tram No
12. Nevertheless, you risc pickpocketing when travelling
to this locality by public transport with a big luggage.
The EKU agency recommends the "A- ROCK
Transport Service" taxi service, offering the transfer from
the airport or railway station to your hotel. They use MERCEDES
cars and speak foreign languages.
The price of the transfer is 600 CZK, i.e.
approximately 20 EURO. Payment directly to the driver.
How to order the transfer:
Simply using e-mail ad.fialova @ or phone +420-605
753 893. You have to let them know your name, the number of the
flight or train, the date and time of arrival and you will be met
at the exit from the custom area or from the railway station with
a poster with your name.