1. Májek P, Pecankova K, Maly M, Oravec M, Riedel T, Dyr J.E., (2015): “N-Glycosylation of apolipoprotein A1 in cardiovascular diseases“. Translational Research, 165, 360.
2. A. S. Quick, A. de los Santos Pereira, M. Bruns, T. Bückmann, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, M. Wegener, C. Barner-Kowollik, (2015): “Rapid Thiol-Yne Mediated Fabrication and Dual Post-Functionalization of Micro-Resolved 3D Mesostructures”. Advanced Functional Materials, 25, 3757.
3. C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, S. Janel, A. de los Santos Pereira, M. Bruns, F. Lafont, (2015): “Quantifying bacterial adhesion on antifouling polymer brushes via Single-Cell Force Spectroscopy”. Polymer Chemistry (DOI: 10.1039/c5py00197h). (With acknowledgement to CPS)
4. O. Altintas, M. Glassner, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, A. Welle, V. Trouillet, Christopher Barner-Kowollik, (2015): “Macromolecular Surface Design via Photopatterning of Functional Stable Nitrile Oxides”. Angewandte Chemie, 54, 5777.
5. A. de los Santos, N. Yu. Kostina, M. Bruns, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, C. Barner-Kowollik, (2015): “Photo-triggered functionalization of hierachically structured polymer brushes”. Langmuir, 31, 5899. (With acknowledgement to CPS)
6. F. Surman, T. Riedel, M. Bruns, N. Yu. Kostina, Z. Sedláková, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, (2015): “Polymer brushes interfacing blood as a route toward high performance blood contacting devices”. Macromolecular Biosciences, 15, 636.
1. C. M. Preuss, T. Tischer, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, M. M. Zieger, M. Bruns, A. S. Goldmann, C. Barner-Kowollik, (2014): "A bioinspired light induced avenue for the design of patterned functional interfaces". Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2, 36.
2. M. Kaupp, A. Quick, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, A. Welle, V. Trouillet, O. Pop-Georgievskii, M. Wegener, C. Barner-Kowollik, (2014): “Photo-Induced Functionalization of Spherical and Planar Surfaces via Caged Thioaldehyde End-Functional Polymers”. Advanced Functional Materials (DOI: 10.1002/adfm.201400609).
3. T. Tischer, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, V. Trouillet, A. Welle, J.O. Mueller, A.S. Goldmann, E. Brynda, C. Barner-Kowollik, (2014): “Photo-Patterning of Non-Fouling Polymers and Biomolecules on Paper”. Advanced Materials, 26, 4087.
4. L. Stolzer, I. Ahmed, C Rodriguez-Emmenegger, V. Trouillet, P. Bockstaller, C. Barner-Kowollik, L. Fruk. (2014): “Light-Induced Modification of Silver Nanoparticles with Functional Polymers”. Chemical Communications, 50, 4430.
5. A. R. Kuzmyn, A. de los Santos Pereira, O. Pop-Georgievski, M. Bruns, Eduard Brynda, Cesar Rodriguez-Emmenegger, (2014): “Exploiting an End-group Functionalization for the Design of Antifouling Bioactive Brushes”. Polymer Chemistry, 5, 4124.
6. C. M. Preuss, M. M. Zieger, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, N. Zydziak, V. Trouillet, A. S. Goldmann, C. Barner-Kowollik, (2014): “Fusing Catechol-Driven Surface Anchoring with Rapid Hetero Diels–Alder Ligation”. ACS Macro Letters, 3, 1169.
7. C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger; A. Decker; F. Surman; C.M. Preuss; Z. Sedlákova; N. Zydziak; C. Barner-Kowollik; T. Schwartz; L. Barner, (2014): “Suppressing Pseudomonas aeruginosa Adhesion via Precision Engineered Polymer Brushes”. RSC Advances, 4, 64781.
8. Riedel T; Majek P; Rodriguez-Emmenegger C; Brynda E. SPR: advances of label-free approaches in the analysis of biological samples. Bioanalysis. 2014. 6(24). 3325-3336.
9. Pereira AD; Riedel T; Brynda E; Rodriguez-Emmenegger C. Hierarchical antifouling brushes for biosensing applications. Sensors and Actuators B - Chemical. 2014. 202: 1313-1321.
10. Chlupac J, Filova E, Havlikova J, Matejka R, Riedel T, Houska M, Brynda E, Pamula E, Remy M, Bareille R, Fernandez P, Daculsi R, Bourget C, Bacakova L, Bordenave L. The Gene Expression of Human Endothelial Cells is Modulated by Sub-endothelial Extracellular Matrix Proteins: Short-term Response to Laminar Shear Stress. Tissue Engineering, Part A. 2014. 15-16: 2253-2264.
11. Riedel T; Rodriguez-Emmenegger C; de los Santos Pereira A; Bedajankova A; Jinoch P; Boltovets PM; Brynda E. Diagnosis of Epstein-Barr virus infection in clinical serum samples by an SPR biosensor assay. BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS. 2014. 55:278-284.
12. Filová E, Brynda E, Riedel T, Chlupáč J, Vandrovcová M, Svindrych Z, Lisá V, Houska M, Pirk J, Bačáková L. Improved adhesion and differentiation of endothelial cells on surface-attached fibrin structures containing extracellular matrix proteins. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2014. 102(3): 698-712.
13. Vaisocherova H; Sevcu V; Adam P; Spackova B; Hegnerova K; Pereira AD; Rodriguez-Emmenegger C; Riedel T; Houska M; Brynda E; Homola J. Functionalized ultra-low fouling carboxy- and hydroxy-functional surface platforms: functionalization capacity, biorecognition capability and resistance to fouling from undiluted biological media. BIOSENSORS & BIOELECTRONICS. 2014. 51:150-157.
14. Riedelová-Reicheltová Z, Riedel T, Májek P, Kotlin R, Geierová V, Suttnar J, Dyr JE. Abnormal fibrinogen Zlín (γThr21Ile) with missense mutation causing hypofibrinogenemia. Acta Haematol. 2014;132(2):140-3.
15. Chlupac J; Filova E; Riedel T; Houska M; Brynda E; Remy-Zolghadri M; Bareille R; Fernandez P; Daculsi R; Bourget C; Bordenave L; Bacakova L. Attachment of Human Endothelial Cells to Polyester Vascular Grafts: Pre-Coating With Adhesive Protein Assemblies and Resistance to Short-Term Shear Stress. PHYSIOLOGICAL RESEARCH. 2014. 63:167-177.
16. Riedelová-Reicheltová Z, Kotlín R, Suttnar J, Geierová V, Riedel T, Májek P, Dyr JE. A novel natural mutation AαPhe98Ile in the fibrinogen coiled-coil affects fibrinogen function. Thromb Haemost. 2014;111(1):79-87.
17. Riedelová-Reicheltová Z, Majek P, Pecankova K, Riedel T, Suttnar J, Maly M, Oravec M, Dyr J.E. Fermitin-3 fragmentation observed in the platelets of patients with cardiovascular diseases. Experimental and Clinical Cardiology. 2014. 20(8). 2881-2885.
18. Kotlín R, Pastva O, Stikarová J, Hlaváčková A, Suttnar J, Chrastinová L, Riedel T, Salaj P, Dyr JE. Two novel mutations in the fibrinogen γ nodule. Thromb Res. 2014;134(4):901-8.
19. Pereira AD; Rodriguez-Emmenegger C; Surman F; Riedel T; Alles AB; Brynda E. Use of pooled blood plasmas in the assessment of fouling resistance. RSC ADVANCES. 2014. 4:2318-2321.
1. Riedel T; Riedelova-Reicheltova Z; Majek P; Rodriguez-Emmenegger C; Houska M; Dyr JE; Brynda E. Complete Identification of Proteins Responsible for Human Blood Plasma Fouling on Poly(ethylene glycol)-Based Surfaces. LANGMUIR. 2013. 29:3388-3397.
2. Brynda E, Riedel T. Cleavage of fibrinopeptides from fibrinogen during fibrin formation. Macromolecular Chemistry: New research. 2013. 83-109. Nova Science Publishers, Inc.
3. Štikarová J, Kotlín R, Riedel T, Suttnar J, Pimková K, Chrastinová L, Dyr JE. The effect of reagents mimicking oxidative stress on fibrinogen function. Scientific World Journal. 2013; 2013:359621.
4. B. Yameen, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, C. M. Preuss, O. Pop-Georgievski, E. Verveniotis, V. Trouillet, B. Rezek, C. Barner-Kowollik, (2013): "A facile avenue to conductive polymer brushes via cyclopentadiene-maleimide Diels-Alder ligation". Chemical Communications, 49, 8623.
5. B. Yameen, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, I. Ahmed, C. M. Preuss, C. J. Durr, N. Zydziak, V. Trouillet, L. Fruk, C. Barner-Kowollik, (2013): "A facile one-pot route to poly(carboxybetaine acrylamide) functionalized SWCNTs". Chemical Communications, 49, 6734.
6. T. Tischer, T. K. Claus, M. Bruns, V. Trouillet, K. Linkert, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, A. S. Goldmann, S. Perrier, H. G. Borner, C. Barner-Kowollik, (2013): "Spatially controlled photochemical peptide and polymer conjugation on biosurfaces". Biomacromolecules, 14, 4340.
7. C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, C. M. Preuss, B. Yameen, O. Pop-Georgievski, M. Bachmann, J. O. Mueller, M. Bruns, A. S. Goldmann, M. Bastmeyer, C. Barner-Kowollik, (2013): "Controlled Cell Adhesion on Poly(dopamine) Interfaces Photopatterned with Non-Fouling Brushes". Advanced Materials, 25, 6123.
8. O. Pop-Georgievski, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, A. de los Santos Pereira, V. Proks, E. Brynda, F. Rypacek, (2013): "Biomimetic non-fouling surfaces: extending the concepts". Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 1, 2859.
9. N. H. Nguyen, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, E. Brynda, Z. Sedlakova, V. Percec, (2013): "SET-LRP of N-(2-hydroxypropyl)methacrylamide in H2O". Polymer Chemistry, 4, 2424.
10. N. Y. Kostina, S. Sharifi, A. de los Santos Pereira, J. Michálek, D. W. Grijpma, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, (2013): "Novel antifouling self-healing poly(carboxybetaine methacrylamide-co-HEMA) nanocomposite hydrogels with superior mechanical properties". Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 1, 5644.
11. M. Zamfir, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, S. Bauer, L. Barner, A. Rosenhahn, C. Barner-Kowollik, (2013): "Controlled growth of protein resistant PHEMA brushes via S-RAFT polymerization". Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 1, 6027.
1. C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, M. Houska, A. B. Alles, E. Brynda, (2012): "Surfaces resistant to fouling from biological fluids: towards bioactive surfaces for real applications". Macromolecular Bioscience, 12, 1413.
2. N. Y. Kostina, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, M. Houska, E. Brynda, J. Michalek, (2012): "Non-fouling Hydrogels of 2-Hydroxyethyl Methacrylate and Zwitterionic Carboxybetaine (Meth)acrylamides". Biomacromolecules, 13, 4164.
3. U. Edlund, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, E. Brynda, A. C. Albersson, (2012): "Self-assembling zwitterionic carboxybetaine copolymers via aqueous SET-LRP from hemicellulose multi-site initiators". Polymer Chemistry, 3, 2920.
4. Reicheltová Z, Májek P, Riedel T, Suttnar J, Dyr JE. Simplified platelet sample preparation for SDS-PAGE-based proteomic studies. Proteomics Clin Appl. 2012;6(7-8):374-81.
1. Rodriguez-Emmenegger C, Brynda E, Riedel T, Houska M, Šubr V, Alles AB, Hasan E, Gautrot JE, Huck WT. Polymer brushes showing non-fouling in blood plasma challenge the currently accepted design of protein resistant surfaces. Macromol Rapid Commun. 2011;32(13):952-7.
2. Filova E, Parizek M, Olsovska J, Kamenik Z, Brynda E, Riedel T, Vandrovcova M, Lisa V, Machova L, Skalsky I, Szarszoi O, Suchy T, Bacakova L. Perivascular sirolimus-delivery system. Int J Pharm. 2011;404(1-2):94-101.
3. Riedel T, Suttnar J, Brynda E, Houska M, Medved L, Dyr JE. Fibrinopeptides A and B release in the process of surface fibrin formation. Blood. 2011;117(5):1700-6.
4. Kubies D, Himmlova L, Riedel T, Chanova E, Balik K, Douderova M, Bartova J, Pesakova V. The Interaction of Osteoblasts With Bone-Implant Materials: 1. The Effect of Physicochemical Surface Properties of Implant Materials. Physiological Research. 2011. 60: 95-111.
5. C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, B. V. Schmidt, Z. Sedlakova, V. Subr, A. B. Alles, E. Brynda, C. Barner-Kowollik, (2011): "Low temperature aqueous living/controlled (RAFT) polymerization of carboxybetaine methacrylamide up to high molecular weights". Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 32, 958.
6. C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, O. Kylian, M. Houska, E. Brynda, A. Artemenko, J. Kousal, A. Bologna Alles, H. Biederman, (2011): "Substrate-Independent Approach for the Generation of Functional Protein Resistant Surfaces". Biomacromolecules, 12, 1058.
7. C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, A. Jäger, E. Jäger, P. Stepanek, A. B. Alles, S. S. Guterres, A. R. Pohlmann, E. Brynda, (2011): "Polymeric nanocapsules ultra stable in complex biological media". Colloids and Surface B. Biointerfaces, 83, 376.
8. C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, E. Hasan, O. Pop-Georgievski, M. Houska, E. Brynda, A. Bologna Alles, (2011): "Controlled/Living Surface-Initiated ATRP of antifouling polymer brushes from gold in PBS and blood sera as a model study for polymer modifications in complex biological media". Macromolecular Bioscience, 12, 525.
9. C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, O. A. Avramenko, E. Brynda, J. Skvor, A. Bologna Alles, (2011): "Poly(HEMA) brushes emerging as a new platform for direct detection of food pathogen in milk samples". Biosensensors and Bioelectronics, 26, 4545.
1. M. Iturria, C. Rodriguez-Emmenegger, R. Viegas, J. Zeballos, O. Wodowoz, I. Alvarez, A. B. Alles, (2010): "BASIC DESIGN OF LYOPHILIZATION PROTOCOLS FOR HUMAN BONE TISSUES". Latin American Applied Research, 40, 147.
2. Kotlín R, Reicheltová Z, Suttnar J, Salaj P, Hrachovinová I, Riedel T, Malý M, Oravec M, Kvasnicka J, Dyr JE. Two novel fibrinogen variants in the C-terminus of the Bβ-chain: fibrinogen Rokycany and fibrinogen Znojmo. J Thromb Thrombolysis. 2010;30(3):311-8.
1. Rodriguez Emmenegger C, Brynda E, Riedel T, Sedlakova Z, Houska M, Alles AB. Interaction of blood plasma with antifouling surfaces. Langmuir. 2009;25(11):6328-33.
2. Riedel T, Brynda E, Dyr JE, Houska M. Controlled preparation of thin fibrin films immobilized at solid surfaces. J Biomed Mater Res A. 2009;88(2):437-47.