4. Stage
1.3.2015 beginning of the 4. stage of the project
3.6.2015 supply of equipment - NMR Imaging
12.6.2015 supply of equipment - photo-electrochemical working station
3. Stage
15.9.2014 beginning of the 3. stage of the project
2.10.2014 supply of equipment - peptide synthesizer with UV monitoring
11.12.2014 supply of equipment - XPS spectrometr
4.2.2015 supply of equipment - spectroscopic ellipsometer with quartz crystal
microbalance with dissipation monitoring
2. Stage
1.7.2014 beginning of 2. stage of the project
12.9.2014 supply of equipment - gel permeation chromatography (GPC) (GPC)
1. Stage
1.3.2014 beginning of the 1. stage of the project