Standard: by 20 May 2010 | Late: after 20 May 2010 | |
Full fee | 12.800 CZK | 15.400 CZK |
IUPAC members | 11.800 CZK | 14.400 CZK |
Student fee | 9.800 CZK | 12.400 CZK |
Accompanying person |
2.800 CZK | 2.800 CZK |
The full registration fee and student fee include conference materials, admission to all sessions, lunches from Monday to Thursday, refreshments, welcome reception, Wednesday excursion and farewell drink.
The accompanying person fee includes lunches from Monday to Thursday and welcome reception.
Abstracts should not exceed one page of the A4 size. Abstracts will be printed in the A5 size, therefore the use of smaller font sizes than in the template should be avoided. Abstracts are supposed to be uploaded via registration page (Sample of abstract).
The account number with supplemental data required by banks for conference fee payment will be displayed when you proceed the on-line registration.
Generated on 1.9.2010 from the source modified on 19.5.2010.