24–28 June 2024 Prague
Polymers for Sustainable Future 2024
Hynek Beneš & Zdeněk Starý
Chairmen, IMC Prague
Welcome to the 85th PMM & 11th GCNPM conference organized by the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences.
Come and enjoy the scientific programme in friendly summer Prague.

- 10. 5. 2023: Registration is open
- 16. 10. 2023: The first flyer was sent
- 24. 1. 2024: Plenary and invited lecturers were published
- 8. 3. 2024: Best poster and oral lecture awards announced
- 8. 4. 2024: Deadlines extended
- 23. 5. 2024: Conference programme published
- 31. 5. 2024: List of posters published
- 2. 7. 2025: We thank all participants for taking part at the conference.
The Polymers for Sustainable Future 2024 conference, which will be held in Prague, Czech Republic, 24–28 June 2024, reflects current global problems and challenges in the field of polymers and plastics in relation to the environment. The goal of the conference is to bring the latest scientific findings in the field of polymer materials from both academia and industry, reflecting the current global problems associated with the sustainability of polymers and plastic pollution of the Earth.
The conference combines two traditional scientific meetings, the 85th edition of Prague Meeting on Macromolecules (PMM) and the 11th edition of the Green Chemistry and Nanotechnologies in Polymeric Materials (GCNPM). We strongly believe that this joint event will enable a fruitful and intensive scientific discussion leading to new collaborations and innovative solutions in the field of sustainable polymers.
- Biobased monomers and polymers, natural polymers
- Environmental degradation of polymers
- Recycling and upcycling of polymers
- Production design of sustainable polymers
- Enzymatic reactions in macromolecular chemistry
- Environmental-friendly polymerizations
- Fixation of carbon dioxide into polymer materials
- Dynamic networks, vitrimers
- Sustainable solutions in polymer nanotechnologies
- Global threat of plastic pollution (environmental analysis, ecotoxicity, technological solutions)
Style of the Conference
The program will consist of oral presentations of invited as well as contributed lectures. Two sessions are planned for poster presentations.
International Advisory Board
- Prof. Veronica Ambrogi (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II, Italy)
- Prof. Filomena Barreiro (Instituto Politécnico de Bragança, Portugal)
- Prof. Alexander Bismarck (Uni Wien, Austria)
- Dr. Ugis Cabulis (Latvian State Institute of Wood Chemistry, Latvia)
- Dr. Maria Valentina Dinu (Petru Poni Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Romania)
- Prof. Arantxa Eceiza (University of the Basque Country, Spain)
- Prof. Paola Fabbri (University of Bologna, Italy)
- Prof. Jean-François Gérard (INSA Lyon, France)
- Dr. Étienne Grau (Université de Bordeaux, France)
- Dr. Jiří Kotek (Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry CAS, Czech Republic)
- Prof. Igor Lacík (Polymer Institute, SAV, Slovakia)
- Prof. Andrea Lazzeri (University of Pisa, Italy)
- Prof. Katja Loos (University of Groningen, Netherlands)
- Prof. Jan Merna (University of Chemistry and Technology Prague, Czech Republic)
- Prof. Aleksander Prociak (Cracow University of Technology, Poland)
- Prof. Sandra Schlögl (Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria)
- Dr. José Vega-Baudrit (National University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica)
- Dr. Tomáš Vlček (Toseda Ltd., Czech Republic)
- Prof. Brigitte Voit (Leibniz-Institut für Polymerforschung Dresden e.V., Germany)
- Dr. Ema Žagar (National Institute of Chemistry, Slovenia)