
SATURDAY September 22nd

18:30 Welcome dinner outside of the Villa Lanna – we will meet at 6:15 p.m. in front of Villa Lanna building
(Restaurace Na Rozhraní, Prague 6, Srbská 7)

SUNDAY September 23rd

1st section: Drug delivery and vectors I, Pharmacotherapy
Chair: Tomáš Etrych
8:50 – 9:00 Opening by the conference organizers – Mathieu Wellhoff (Attaché de cooperation scientifique et universitaire, French institute in Prague), Daniel Scherman and Tomáš Etrych
9:00 – 9:25 Eva Koziolová, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Polymer drug delivery systems for anti-inflammatory therapy – their in vivo biodistribution in mice with acute arthritis
9:25 – 9:50 Nathalie Mignet, Chemical and Biological Technologies for Health, Paris Descartes University, INSERM, CNRS, Paris, France
Local Delivery with Bioadhesive Thermosensitive Hydrogels
9:50 – 10:15 Daniel Scherman, Paris Descartes University, CNRS, INSERM, Chimie ParisTech, Paris, France
Nanostructures for efficient in vivo RNA interference with multiple potential medical applications
10:15 – 10:35 Posters and coffee
2nd section: Drug delivery and vectors II, Bioimaging
Chair: Daniel Scherman
10:35 – 11:00 Jaroslav Turánek, Veterinary Research Institute, Brno, Czech Republic
Biocompatible nanomaterials for construction of vaccines
11:00 – 11:25 Didier Letourneur, Cardiovascular Bio-engineering, INSERM, X Bichat Hospital, University Paris 13, University Paris Diderot, Paris, France
Polysaccharide-based scaffolds for tissue engineering and molecular imaging
11:25 – 11:50 Tomáš Etrych, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Hydrophilic polymers as precursors of efficient nanotherapeutics
11:50 – 12:15 Marek Kovář, Laboratory of Tumor Immunology, Institute of Microbiology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
HPMA copolymer conjugates for effective treatment of multidrug resistant tumors
12:15 – 13:30 Lunch and posters
3rd section: Animal models and Physiopathology/Cellular models
Chair: Eva Koziolová
13:30 – 13:55 Veronique Witko Sarsat, Institut Cochin, INSERM, Paris, France
Cytosolic proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) in neutrophils: a new target to dampen inflammation
13:55 – 14:20 Pavel Klener, Institute of Pathological Physiology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Patient-derived lymphoma xenografts for preclinical assessment of experimental treatment approaches
14:20 – 14:45 Lukáš Kubala, Institute of Biophysics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic
Targeting the adenylate cyclases: development of a tool for screening of selective modulators
14:45 – 15:10 Olga Janoušková, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Polymeric nanofibers for drug delivery and tissue engineering applications
15:10 – 15:30 Posters and coffee
4th section: Technological platforms and drug discovery
Chair: Didier Letourneur
15:30 – 15:55 Peter Keša, Center for Advanced Preclinical Imaging, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
In vivo photoacoustic imaging of tissues using polymeric contrast agents
15:55 – 16:20 Jean-Luc Galzi, School of Biotechnology, University of Strasbourg, France
National Infrastructure to discover probes for basic and applied research
16:20 – 16:45 Petr Kašpárek, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Laboratory of Transgenic Models of Diseases, Czech Academy of Sciences,Prague, Czech Republic
Novel mutant mouse models elucidate pathogenesis of Netherton Syndrome
16:45 – 17:10 Milan Raška, Department of Immunology, Palacky University in Olomouc, Olomouc, Czech Republic
High-complex combinatorial peptide library-based replicas of HIV-1 Env-neutralizing antibodies epitopes induce Env-specific serum antibodies in experimental mice
17:30 Sightseeing walk
19:30 Dinner at Břevnov Monastery

MONDAY September 24nd

1st section: Bioimaging
Chair: Corinne Marie
9:00 – 9:25 Luděk Šefc, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Advanced methods for preclinical imaging of small laboratory animals
9:25 – 9:50 Monique Bernard, Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, CRMBM (Center for Magnetic Resonance in Biology and Medicine), Marseille, France
Multiparametric magnetic resonance imaging/spectroscopy and cardiovascular alterations in diabetes and obesity
9:50 – 10:15 Aleš Benda, Imaging methods core facility at BIOCEV, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Vestec (Prague), Czech Republic
Multi-parametric fluorescence microscopy for proper image data interpretation
10:15 – 10:40 Posters and coffee
2nd section: Cellular models/stem cells
Chair: Luděk Šefc
10:40 – 11:05 Michel Ronjat, L'unité de recherche de l'institut du thorax, Nantes, France
Maurocalcin analogues as modulators of skeletal or cardiac muscle contraction
11:05 – 11:30 Petr Pávek, Department of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Charles University, Faculty of Pharmacy, Hradec Králové, Czech Republic
Cellular models for the study of multidrug efflux transporters, nuclear receptors and miRNAs
11:30 – 11:55 Pavla Jendelová, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Tackling inflammation in spinal cord injury
11:55 – 12:20 Helena Fulková, Institute of Molecular Genetics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Defining a minimal nucleus: What can the egg and embryo teach us?
12:20 – 13:20 Lunch and posters
3rd section: Gene Therapy
Chair: Michel Ronjat
13:20 – 13:45 Corinne Marie, Paris Descartes University, Paris, France
pFAR4: mini-plasmids devoid of antibiotic resistance markers - From Development to Clinical Trials
13:45 – 14:10 Veronika Benson, Institute of Microbiology, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Biomedical application of diamond-based nanomaterial
14:10 – 14:25 Closing of the meeting by the conference organizers – Mathieu Wellhoff (Attaché de cooperation scientifique et universitaire, French institute in Prague) and Tomáš Etrych

Presented posters

Aleš Benda, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Vestec, Czech Republic
What do we mean by advanced imaging?
Aleš Benda, Faculty of Sciences, Charles University, Vestec, Czech Republic
Get inspired by FIB-SEM
František Hubatka, Veterinary Research Institute, Brno, Czech Republic
Mannan-coated nanoliposomes prepared via orthogonal aminooxy lipids-based click chemistry and microfluidic mixing: characterisation of the structure and in vitro biological activities.
Uliana Kostiv, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
125I-labeled upconversion nanoparticles for multimodal imaging of tissue in vivo
Libor Kostka, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Modular Polymer-Based Antibody Mimetics
Lenka Kotrchová, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Water-soluble star polymers based on cyclodextrins
Alena Libánská, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Star-like biodegradable nanoterapeutics
Josef Mašek, Department of Pharmacology and Immunotherapy, Veterinary Research Institute, Brno, Czech Republic
Nanofibre-based mucoadhesive film for oromucosal delivery of therapeutic nanoparticles
Karla Palma-Alejandro and Mariana Veselá, Center for Advanced Preclinical Imaging, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, Prague , Czech Republic
3D color Doppler ultrasonography as a tool for a fast and non-invasive monitoring of buried free flaps in Vascularized Lymph Node Transfer
Marina Tavares, Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Czech Academy of Sciences, Prague, Czech Republic
Polymer drug carriers for immunooncotherapy