Visegrad fund support

The support from Visegrad fund (contract No. 21710047) is aimed to organize the 8th edition of Workshop on Green Chemistry and Nanotechnologies in Polymer Chemistry (GCNPC workshop) focused on sustainable and environmentally-friendly polymer biomaterials with active participation of mainly young researchers and PhD students from the V4 region. Novel conference V4 session is organized, where mainly researchers from Advanced biomaterial group (ABIOG) of V4 countries will present their research. The ABIOG group was created in 2016 to joint together 4 institutions from V4 countries:
- Cracow University of Technology, Poland,
- Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry AS CR, Czechia,
- Polymer Institute SAS, Slovakia,
- Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary
The project thus contributes to integration of V4 participants into EU research activities and strengthens partnership and cooperation between EU and V4 research institutions. Last but not least, thanks to the project actions the participants learn about the culture of CZE, SVK, POL and HUN. This GCNPC workshop enables to integrate young researchers and PhD students from V4 countries into prestigious scientific community providing an encouraging platform for V4 researchers to exchange their research activities with renowned scientists.