Hotels for PMM events
The map showing the position of hotels and of the institute is
at the bottom of this page. Other hotels are
listed in separate document.
**** hotels: Pyramida, Diplomat, Best Western
Kampa, Biskupský dům
*** hotels: Adalbert, Jelení
Dvůr, Masarykova kolej
hostels: Masarykova kolej
Bělohorská 24, Praha 6 - Břevnov
Access with cars: Good access, guarded car
park available.
Nearest stops of public transport: Malovanka
(tram 22, 23, 25, 97, bus 143: 50 - 200 m, bus 149, 164: in front
of the hotel) Detailed description of
the way from these stops to the hotel available.
- To the Institute: Take bus 164 in
direction of Sídliště Řepy tyo the Sídliště
Petřiny stop (7 stops, 11 min, 4 km).
- From the airport: Take bus 191 to Vypich
stop (25 min) and change for any tram downhill (22 in
direction of Nádraží Hostivař or 25 in direction of
Lehovec). The journey from Vypich to Malovanka lasts 7
min, it is 6 stops by tram.
- From railway and coach stations: From
Praha hlavní nádraží, Praha-Florenc and
Praha-Holešovice, take metro C in direction of Háje as
far as Muzeum, change for line A in direction of
Nemocnice Motol, and at Malostranská (3rd stop) change
for tram 22 in direction of Bílá Hora. Malovanka is
the 5th stop.
Evropská 15, Praha 6 - Dejvice
Access with cars: Good access, hotel garage
available for an extra fee.
Nearest stops of public transport: Dejvická
(just in front of the hotel) [see the hotel
web] Detailed description of the
way from these stops to the hotel available.
- To the Institute:Take metro A in
direction of Nemocnice Motol for 3 stops to Petřiny (7
- From the airport: Take trolleybus 59 to
the Nádraží Veleslavín terminus (15 min). From
there,take Metro A in direction of Depo Hostivař for 2
stops to Dejvická.
- From railway and coach stations: Using
Metro to Dejvická station.
Všehrdova 16, Praha 1 - Malá Strana
Access with cars: Limited access and parking
Nearest stops of public transport: Hellichova
(tram 12, 15, 20, 22, 23, 97: 200 m), Újezd (tram 6, 9, 12, 15,
20, 22, 23, 97, 98, 99: 200 m)
- To the Institute: Take tram 12, 15, 20,
22, or 23 as far as Malostranská (5 min). At
Malostranská, change for tram 2 in the direction of
Sídliště Petřiny as far as its terminus (7 km, 18
min), or for Metro A in direction of Nemocnice Motol as
far as Petřiny (5 stops, 10 min).
- From the airport: Take trolleybus 59 to
Nádraží Veleslavín (15 min), from there take tram 20
to Újezd ( 24 min).
- From railway stations: The hotel has
direct connection from Praha-Smíchov and
Praha-Holešovice stations by tram No 12. From main
railway station, take tram 9 in direction of Sídliště
Řepy to Újezd stop (7 stops).
Dražického nám. 6, Praha 1 - Malá Strana
Access with cars: Limited access and no
parking possibility.
Nearest stops of public transport:
Malostranské náměstí (tram 12, 15, 20, 22, 23, 97: 200 m),
Malostranská (Metro A, tram 2, 12, 15, 18, 20, 22, 23, 97: 500
m) [see the hotel web] Detailed
description of the way from these stops to the hotel available.
- To the Institute: Take tram 2 from
Malostranská in the direction of Sídliště Petřiny
asfar as its terminus (6 km, 18 min) or Metro A in
direction of Nemocnice Motol for 5 stops to Petřiny
station (10 min).
- From the airport: Take trolleybus 59 to
Nádraží Veleslavín (15 min), from there Metro A to
Malostranská (4 stops, 8 min).
- From railway and coach stations:
Malostranské náměstí and Malostranská have direct
connection from Praha-Smíchov and Praha-Holešovice
stations by tram No 12. From main station, take tram 15
in direction of Podbaba as far as Malostranská (5 stops)
or Malostranské náměstí (6 stops).
Jelení 197,199,200, 119 08 Praha 1 - Hradčany
Access with cars: Limited access and parking
possibility - see hotel
Nearest stops of public transport: Brusnice
(tram 22, 23: nearly in front of the hotel), Vozovna Střešovice
(tram 1, 2, 25, 96, 97, bus 108, 143, 149, 180: 300 m)
- To the Institute: Take tram 1 or 2 from
Vozovna Střešovice in the direction of Petřiny as far
as its terminus (4 km, 9 min).
- From the airport:
The simplest way is to take bus 191 to Vypich stop (25
min) and there to change for tram 22 downhill as far as
Brusnice stop (10 min).
From railway and coach stations: From
Praha-Holešovice or from Praha-hlavní nádraží, take
Metro in direction of Háje to Museum, then change for
green line A. Go in direction of Nemocnice Motol, and get
out at Malostranská (3rd stop; attention - pickpockets
in this locality). From there, take tram 22 (direction
of Bílá Hora) or 23 (direction of Malovanka) for 3
stops to Brusnice.

Thákurova 1, Praha 6 - Dejvice
Access with own cars: Good access, unwatched
parking in the street.
Nearest stops of public transport: Thákurova
(trams 20, 26, 91: 100 m), Dejvická (Metro, many trams
andbuses: 300 m). Detailed description
of the way from these stops to the hotel available.
- To the Institute: Take Metro A in the
direction of nemocnice Nemocnice Motol as far as Petřiny
(3 stops, 7 min).From there, either walk 500 m westwards,
or take any tram or bus in this direction for 1 stop to
tram terminus Petřiny.
- From the airport: Take trolleybus No 59
to Nádraží Veleslavín terminus (15 min), from there
take Metro A for 2 stops to Dejvická.Use the escalator
exit on the back end of platform, exit to the Evropská
street and walk westwards to the next streetcrossing turn
right to the hostel.
- From railway stations:
- From Praha hlavní nádraží station,
take Metro in the direction of Háje for 1 stop
to Museum and change for green line A in the
direction of Nemocnice Motol or Petřiny to the
Dejvická stop (usually up to 15 min, 4 km).
- If you train arrives in Prague at Praha-Holešovice
- take Metro in the direction of Háje for
4 stops to Museum and change for line A
in the direction of Nemocnice Motol or
Petřiny to the Dejvická stop (20
minutes and 7 km totally),
Markétská 1 - Břevnov monastery, Praha 6 - Břevnov; environment-friendly
certified by European Union
Access with own cars: Good access, parking on
the yard.
Nearest stops of public transport:
Břevnovský klášter (trams 22, 25, 97: 300 m, Větrník
(access through the garden - not always open; tram 1, 2, 96, bus
108, 164, 168, 191, 910 : 400 m). Detailed
description of the way available.
Connection :
- To the Institute: 1,5 km by walk - see
the description.
Or walk to Větrník stop and take any tram in the
direction of Sídliště Petřiny as far as the terminus
(2 min, 1 km, 2 stops).
- From the airport: Take bus 191 to Vypich
stop (25 min) and change for any tram downhill (2 stops,
2 min).
- From railway stations:
- From Praha-Holešovice
- Take Metro red line C in direction of
Háje as far as Vltavská (1 stop).
Take tram 25 in direction of Bílá
Hora as far as Břevnovský klášter
- From Praha hlavní nádraží
- Take Metro red line C in direction of
Háje as far as Muzeum (1 stop from Praha
hlavní nádraží), change for green
line A in direction of Nemocnice Motol as
far as Malostranská. From there, take
tram 22 in direction of Bílá Hora or
Vypich as far as Břevnovský klášter