Hynek Beneš
contact: +420 296 809 313,
Degradation means the change of structure and properties of polymers caused by decomposition reactions of polymers. Basic research is focused on understanding of degradation behaviour of polymers due to various external factors. We study mechanisms of photolytic, photo-oxidative, thermo-oxidative and chemical degradation of various types of polymer materials.
In application research we try to practically use acquired experience for the possibility of stabilization of polymer products to prolong their durability or on the contrary to develop more easily degradable products, e.g. biodegradable plastics for short-term use. The knowledge of mechanisms of chemical degradation of polymers is used for the development of new recycling technologies for plastic components of municipal, technological or industrial wastes so that they could be reused for production of new materials.
Applied thermodynamics in the field of polymer materials, which investigate physical and chemical processes connected with heat exchange, are based especially on calorimetric measurements. These measurements enable not only the obtaining of thermodynamic data on developed recycling procedures (e.g. efficiency of compatibilization of components of mixed plastic waste), but they are also a valuable information source for detailed thermodynamic and kinetic description of phase changes (e.g. crystallization) of studied polymer materials and obtaining of their material parameters such as temperature of glass transition Tg or thermal capacity cp.
For more detailed information on research work see IMC websites Department of polymer processing.